Meet x-23. TOKYO--Despite already having 19 characters confirmed, it was practically guaranteed that upcoming fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds would have more playable pugilists up its sleeve. The character count increased again today, with Capcom unveiling player number 20.
The new character hails from the Marvel side of the game's equation and comes in the form of the deadly X-23. In the comic book world, X-23 is a female genetic clone of hairy mutant Wolverine, and as such, she shares many of Logan's abilities, including accelerated healing and an adamantium-coated skeletal structure.
Tron Bonne in action. In the new trailer released to show off X-23 in the game, the dangerous clone looks to also have a similar move set to Wolverine--that is, quick, with plenty of effective slash moves and attacks, as well as a dash move that looks to be executable in midair. One of the supers shown has X-23 uttering the words "dirt nap," before disappearing from the screen. She is seemingly underground and pops up to deal heavy damage to her foe. The second super shown has her doing a slashing cartwheel using the claws on her hands and feet. The final finisher shown has X-23 doing a rapid flurry of attacks (like Wolverine's berserker rage attack) before finishing it off with two diagonal dashes.
And while her presence was essentially confirmed with the release of the previous trailer to Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the company also today officially announced Tron Bonne (of Mega Man fame).
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is due on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with an official release date yet to be confirmed.
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