Rumor Control pegged it right earlier this week: X05 in Amsterdam? Not bogus. After abandoning the annual European Xbox showcase last year in favor of country-specific events, Microsoft is bringing the fifth X0 back to the Old World. The company announced that X05 will be held in the quaint capital of the Netherlands this October 4 and 5.
Following in the steps of Cannes, Seville, and Juan-le-Pins, Amsterdam will host 2005's invite-only promotional event. The big draw this year will, of course, be the Xbox 360, and Microsoft promises that several unspecified games for the company's next-generation console will be on playable display.
Despite Microsoft's efforts at secrecy, the location for the show was leaked earlier this week by a noting industry analyst, who also made several estimations concerning the Xbox 360's price ($299) and release date (November). For more, see our weekly Rumor Control column.