The massive world of Azeroth just got bigger. Blizzard today announced that North American versions of World of Warcraft have been patched up to version 1.7, adding even more realms to explore. The 54.9MB patch can now be downloaded from GameSpot DLX.
A new area, named Zul'Gurub, is now open within the foliage of the Stranglethorn jungles. The city, of ancient troll origin, is accessible to high-level players. The 20-man raid instance has 120 new rare and epic items to discover.
The patch also introduces a new battleground, Arathi Basin. The area pits 15 members of the Horde against 15 members of the Alliance, with 2,000 resources as the target to win the competition.
Those who prefer simple sport can test their luck in the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. The new event challenges fishers to be the best at baiting and hooking sea creatures off the coast of Stranglethorn Vale.
For a complete list of additions and changes, check out the World of Warcraft Community Web site.