Ever since its existence was revealed in the first World of Warcraft Battleplan in June, the first expansion pack for World of Warcraft has been the subject of much speculation. One of the hottest topics of debate has been figuring out when the public will get the first glimpse at the premier add-on to the multiplatinum massively multiplayer role-playing game.
Well, PC gamers need wonder no longer. In the second World of Warcraft Battleplan, which went up today, a Blizzard employee named "Drake" confirmed that the first WOW expansion will make its debut at BlizzCon, Blizzard Entertainment's annual expo. "I'm very happy to announce that we'll have the first public showing of the expansion for World of Warcraft at BlizzCon," wrote Drake. "Attendees will be able to view the work that is going into the project and hear some of the eagerly awaited details."
While welcome, the confirmation of the WOW expansion's premiere was just that--no other information about the pack was offered, including the title. However, World of Warcraft Battleplan - Vol. 2 does offer a host of other information about updates for the current edition of the MMORPG, including the addition of midsized raid dungeons and "some outright terrifying world raid encounters" involving four new dragons. The Battleplan also includes news of PVP content additions, talent improvements, interrealm character transfers, and "more dynamic functionality for WorldofWarcraft.com."