Update: Xur has departed for this weekend. Here's where to find Xur and what Exotics he's selling for the weekend of September 9-13.
Another weekend is here in Destiny 2, which means that Xur will return to the Solar System very soon. He's got a new batch of weapons for your perusal that can get you geared up to take on more pirates in Season of Plunder, plus some extremely tough-to-get armor from the Season of Opulence, way back during the Forsaken expansion days, to help you raise your Guardian fashion game. Here's where you can find Xur this week and the Exotics he's selling.
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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Season of the Plunder Xur Location September 2, 2022
This week you can find Xur in the EDZ, in the Winding Cove area. For his weapon, Xur is offering Tractor Cannon. Hunters can pick up The Dragon's Shadow chest armor; Titans can grab the Lion Rampant leg armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Contraverse Hold gauntlets.
Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on Friday (until Daylight Saving brings that forward by an hour in November). Bungie doesn't mark Xur's location on the in-game map, so it can be easy to miss him if you're not aware he exists. But he only comes to specific locations, of which now there are only three: the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher's Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.
Exotic Engram - 97 legendary shardsTractor Cannon - 29 legendary shardsThe Dragon's Shadow - 23 legendary shardsLion Rampant - 23 legendary shardsContraverse Hold - 23 legendary shardsHawkmoon - 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherDead Man's Tale - 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherXenology quest - freeLegendary weapons and armor - 50 legendary shards, 1,000 GlimmerAlongside changes in his location, Xur's inventory also rotates weekly. That means it's worth visiting him each time to check out his new weapons and rolls on Exotic and Legendary armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the Solar System.
Xur's Hawkmoon this week is another high-Handling version of the hand cannon, sporting Snapshot Sights. That's a solid PvP perk that can help you get the upper hand on whoever you're fighting, although this version doesn't pack as much range as other rolls, so take it or leave it based on your play style. As for Dead Man's Tale, Xur offers Moving Target on a fairly rangy version of the gun, but perks meant to be used while aiming down sights don't really play to DMT's strength as a hip-firing rifle; you'll probably want to skip this one.
As for Legendary guns, Xur's haul is a bit weak this week, although he offers a few things that are tough to come by if you don't have other copies. The Chroma Rush auto rifle from Season of the Splicer is on offer with Dynamic Sway Reduction, Adrenaline Junkie, and a Reload Speed Masterwork--a weak roll, but still one of the better auto rifles out there, so if you don't have one, this may still be worth snagging. The Enigma's Draw side arm with Triple Tap, Rangefinder, and a Range Masterwork is a decent roll on a fun sidearm that can definitely do work in both PvE and PvP. Xur's Fractethyst shotgun sports Ensemble and Trench Barrel with a Handling Masterwork, which can make it a solid option for PvE battles. And like Chroma Rush, the Shattered Cipher machine gun is a Splicer weapon that's tough to come by now, and offers Field Prep, Adrenaline Junkie and a Reload Speed Masterwork--again, not a perfect roll, but maybe worth grabbing if you need this fun Heavy weapon.
If Guardian fashion is something you care about, you'll want to sit up and take notice of Xur's Legendary armor this week. He's offering the Opulent Stalker, Opulent Duelist, and Opulent Scholar sets from way back in the Season of Opulence, after the launch of the Forsaken campaign. Those are armor sets that are currently impossible to come by any other way, so this is a great chance to add some new looks to your Collections, if nothing else.
Opulent Stalker Vest
Mobility: 7Resilience: 2Recovery: 22Discipline: 2Intellect: 25Strength: 2 Total: 60Opulent Stalker Mask Mobility: 2Resilience: 22Recovery: 6Discipline: 16Intellect: 10Strength: 7 Total: 63Warlock
Opulent Scholar Hood
Mobility: 24Resilience: 2Recovery: 6Discipline: 7Intellect: 10Strength: 15 Total: 64Opulent Scholar Boots Mobility: 16Resilience: 6Recovery: 10Discipline: 2Intellect: 20Strength: 12 Total: 66Titan
Opulent Duelist Gauntlets
Mobility: 6Resilience: 9Recovery: 16Discipline: 11Intellect: 19Strength: 2 Total: 63Opulent Duelist Plate Mobility: 7Resilience: 2Recovery: 22Discipline: 15Intellect: 6Strength: 9 Total: 61Opulent Duelist Grieves Mobility: 7Resilience: 15Recovery: 9Discipline: 7Intellect: 9Strength: 14 Total: 61
Mobility: 14Resilience: 18Recovery: 2Discipline: 12Intellect: 12Strength: 12 Total: 60
Mobility: 7Resilience: 17Recovery: 9Discipline: 7Intellect: 12Strength: 10 Total: 62
Mobility: 12Resilience: 12Recovery: 8Discipline: 12Intellect: 6Strength: 13 Total: 63