Update: Xur has departed with his Exotics for the weekend of May 7-11. You can find what Xur is stocking for the May 21-25 weekend right here.
The Season of the Splicer is here in Destiny 2, bringing new weapons and armor, a new six-player activity, and new transmog capabilities. Xur returns for his weekly visit to bring you new Exotics for your collection as well, giving you a chance to outfit your Guardian characters with a new weapon and new pieces of armor. Here's where to find Xur and what he's selling.
Head to Nessus, in the Watcher's Grave area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering The Jade Rabbit. Hunters can pick up the Ophidia Spathe chest armor; for Titans, there's the Mask of the Quiet One helmet; and for Warlocks, Xur has Skull of Dire Ahamkara helmet.
Go to the very north end of Watcher's Grave and climb the big tree there to locate Xur.
Xur appears every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. The thing is, it's not always clear where he'll show up. Xur can hang out at one of several locations, including in the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher's Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ. His inventory also changes each week, so it's worth revisiting him on the weekends for new weapons and rolls on Exotic armor.
Exotic Engram -- 97 legendary shardsThe Jade Rabbit -- 29 legendary shardsOphidia Spathe -- 23 legendary shardsMask of the Quiet One -- 23 legendary shardsSkull of Dire Ahamkara -- 23 legendary shardsXenology quest -- freeDestiny 2 News And Guides
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Like knives? Of course you do. With Ophidia Spathe, Hunters get a second throwing knife charge for their Solar subclasses. That's just about all, but you can do a lot with a second throwing knife charge, depending on your character build. Weighted Knives can be extremely deadly in the Crucible, and the Fan of Knives ability in PvE is an excellent way to keep your other abilities charging quickly. Plus, it's just nice to have another melee charge whenever you need it.
Mobility: 17Resilience: 10Recovery: 7Discipline: 7Intellect: 2Strength: 20Total: 63
Unfortunately for Titans, Xur's Exotic offering this week is the same as last week: Mask of the Quiet One, but at least it's a different, slightly better overall roll. The helmet gives you ability energy whenever you take damage, helping you to get more options in battle more quickly. If you're critically damaged and you manage to make a kill, you'll regain full health--so wearing it in PvP battles can give you a serious boost, provided you're victorious against at least one foe.
Mobility: 2Resilience: 14Recovery: 18Discipline: 17Intellect: 2Strength: 11Total: 64
Warlocks this week get a very good roll on a very reliable Exotic helmet. Skull of Dire Ahamkara makes you a lot tougher to kill when you throw your Nova Bomb Super, which makes it useful in all situations, but especially in PvP. It also gives you Super energy back for kills you make with the Super, so using it to clear out a bunch of enemies at once can get you your Super back pretty quickly. It's not as good as the Exotic was before Bungie nerfed it some time ago, but this is still a good bet if you want to be throwing a lot of Nova Bombs without getting shot out of the air in the process.
Mobility: 14Resilience: 17Recovery: 3Discipline: 8Intellect: 17Strength: 7Total: 66