Based on the eponymous Macromedia Flash game by 3D Joe, Water Balloon Drop puts you in the role of a proactive prankster who sits atop buildings with a vast arsenal of H2O bombs. The game will feature 40 different stages, across four distinct environments: an office park, a café, a factory, and an amusement park. This version therefore features much more content than its Web-based predecessor.
Water Balloon Drop's gameplay couldn't be simpler. You toss water balloons at hapless passersby, avoiding grandmas and soaking everyone else. The occasional coffee power-up will increase your speed and also allow you to steer balloons after dropping them. In the office park level, an angry manager will toss balloons back at you. In other areas of the game, you'll be menaced by birds. We tested the game on the LG VX4500, on which it ran well, but it didn't seem to feature much sound.
Water Balloon Drop is slated for a June release on major US carriers. While our test version of the game was single-player, a For Prizes version, allowing leaderboard competition, is being considered.