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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Opening Cinematic
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Right on schedule, Polish developer CD Projekt Red today released the intro cinematic for next year's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It's brutal (there's horse decapitation and a bird that mangles someone's face) and quite impressive. Check out the full video above.
Here is how CD Projekt Red sets up the video, which it calls "The Trail":
"Foreshadowing the story of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, 'The Trail' opening cinematic is an epic sneak peek into the adventure that awaits gamers in Wild Hunt. See witchers Geralt of Rivia and his mentor Vesemir pursue Geralt's long lost love, the immensely powerful, raven-black-haired sorceress-- Yennefer of Vengerberg."
Wild Hunt launches February 24, 2015 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. For more, check out .