Update: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds official launch is pushed back from six months to before the end of Q4 2017. An update has been posted on Steam in which Brendan Greene has explained the following: "I've come to realize that restricting the window to a specific month could hinder us from delivering a fully featured game and/or lead to disappointment within the community if the launch deadline is not met." As a result, he now says that "we are going push the full launch back a bit from the initial six-month timeframe, but want to assure you that we are still planning a full release before the end of Q4 2017."
Original: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is back in the spotlight with excellent news for all those who are waiting for the release of the game out of the Steam Early Access program.
In fact, many players feared that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds would remain in Early Access for a long time, as happened with DayZ and H1Z1. This time it seems that things will be different, however. According to reports, the creator of the title, Brendan Greene, has reassured the players confirming that the game will be ready by October.
"People tell us we’re not going to be out of early access in six months; challenge accepted," PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds creative director Brendan Greene explained in an April interview (only published now) to RockPaperShotgun. "I can guarantee you, six or seven months and we’re out of early access. It’s the team. It’s a matter of honour, you know? We will finish this game in six months."
Greene has also given some interesting statements regarding the development of DayZ and H1Z1 and, in essence, the former modder defends the development teams at Bohemia Interactive and Daybreak Games.
"Game development is hard. What makes it hard is, we work with Unreal, which is a joy because they have a company that is focused on making an engine. So there’s 40 people just working on code for the engine. You look at Daybreak and Bohemia, they’re working on their own engines, and that’s just infinitely harder. I think the ForgeLight engine is a ten year old engine. Now, they’ve improved it considerably since then, but it’s the same with the Arma engine, it’s 15 years old. Now DayZ are making a new engine, and that’s just something which takes time."
Recently, Bluehole Studio has announced that in the future the studio will try to implement cross-platform mode between the PC and Xbox versions One of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds launched on Steam Early Access about four months ago and has been a smashing success ever since.