TOKYO - After kicking back and taking a few moments to look back on the show, there are a few highlights that stand out in our minds.
First of all, this Tokyo Game Show didn't have that many new games that made you just say "wow." Sony and Sega, in fact, had surprisingly unimpressive showings all around. And the consensus after roaming the floor on this first day was that while there were plenty of great games, the only ones that stayed in our minds were those announced months ago.
Top 5 Games (in no particular order)Parasite EveMusashidenMetal Gear SolidCapcom Generations Vol. 2Tekken 3
Top 5 Things That Left a Lasting ImpressionMathilda's AssfaceDead or Alive stage showKitty the CoolMetal Gear stage performanceThe line to get into the show
What Made Stop and Wonder Why?This tag line on the back of Gamest jackets: "The Future Kick Your Ass"