TimeSplitters Rewind, the community-developed multiplayer revival of the series, has taken to Steam Greenlight to gauge player interest in the project.
Crytek, who owns the rights to the series after purchasing original developer Free Radical, has given the project its blessing. TimeSplitters Rewind is also being made using Crytek's CryEngine 3.
TimeSplitters Rewind is a multiplayer title made up of components of the original TimeSplitters games and is being created by a team of around 35 part-time developers.
CinemaBlend reports that legal issues require the game's assets to be made entirely from scratch and that TimeSplitters Rewind must be released for free.
Project lead Michael Hubicka said that TimeSplitters Rewind will be more of an HD collection of the series rather than a fully fledged TimeSplitters 4. "Ultimately, TimeSplitters Rewind will be like the TimeSplitters HD Collection, and if Crytek gave us the torch, like, said 'OK, you've proved yourself worthy: here work on TimeSplitters 4,' then I would absolutely be thrilled to work on that ASAP."
TimeSplitters Rewind is scheduled to release its pre-alpha test before the end of the year. The game is currently scheduled to be released for the PlayStation 4 and PC, though the developer is said to be interested in porting the game to the Xbox One.