Tiger Electronics has given us a new look at its upcoming '99 Game.com Pocket Pro lineup, and with a whole slew of big-name games set to launch in the next few months, the company seems to be on the right track once again with its handheld system.
Earlier this month at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the five new colors for the system - purple, teal, orange, green, and pink - were unveiled by Tiger. Also on display were many impressive future games: Resident Evil, Frogger, Monopoly, Metal Gear Solid, WCW Whiplash, NASCAR, Deer Hunter, Command & Conquer Red Alert, NBA Live, Scrabble, Madden Football, Centipede, Holyfield Boxing (which will have a built-in rumble pack), Castlevania: SOTN, and Furbyland.
The Game.com Pocket Pro system now carries a US$29.99 price, and games for the device range in price from US$9.99 to $24.99.