Since GameSpot News broke the story that Electronic Arts was killing off Thrill Kill because of its inappropriate content, we've seen a large reaction from people - some asking us to yell at EA, some asking us to provide them with EA personnel e-mail addresses so they can complain themselves, and others wondering how much it would cost them to buy our beta copy of the game. While we're not in the business of yelling at publishing companies, we do like to reserve the right for you, the gamer, to yell, scream, and make known your feelings about what you consider an injustice.
Official word from EA's public relations department is that Thrill Kill will adorn the sacred halls of video games that were never released. And having another publisher publish the game is said to not be an option either. Other rumors say that the game is being softened for a later release without all the gory and unique kills. We know of at least one small publisher that has talked about publishing the game if EA would sell the rights, but currently no deal has been worked out since EA has said it will not sell the game. One thing is true, gamers like offensive material, and if the game is any good, people will buy it. A few games have asked, "Why can't EA let gamers decide if the game is offensive?"
Readers have had some definite opinions about EA's actions, citing EA for censorship and poor timing. The game is still being advertised and gamers have told us that resellers haven't been notified that the title won't be coming. Many gamers who prepaid for the title are understandably furious. People have offered money for our beta copy of the game and have repeatedly asked if our story was only a rumor.
Interestingly, held the question high in its poll over the weekend, asking gamers, "Thrill Kill, would you buy a copy if Electronic Arts were to sell the rights to another publisher?" The results were a little varied:
Yes: 1583No: 1153It would depend on what the game review said: 1484
Since those who would buy the game straight out and those who would buy the game depending on the review were so close, we spoke to editors who had some mixed reviews about the game based on their experiences with playing the beta version. One said that while he liked Thrill Kill, he didn't think that it would beat any of the other popular fighting games. Another editor was negative in his views saying that it was a sorry excuse for a game.
Given all the feedback that we've had, we knew that someone would be starting an online petition to bring the game back. Some of the suggestions on the petition page seem reasonable, like gamers sending in photocopies of their driver's licenses or just sticking to the ESRB rating guidelines for mature content. If you'd like to donate your view and name to the effort to bring Thrill Kill to the market, cruise on over to the petition and be heard, 'cause like they say - it's a free country.
We'll send along a note to EA detailing our poll so the company can take a look at what gamers have to say.