The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt introduces an intriguing magical character named Ciri, who is playable for portions of the game. Now, someone has cosplayed as the white-haired woman, and did a good enough job to catch the attention of developer CD Projekt Red.
The Polish developer shared Galina Zhukovskaia's impressive photos through its Facebook page today.
Zhukovskaia totally nails Ciri's look, from her distinct hair to the scar on her cheek.
You can see all the photos in the gallery below. Looking for more Witcher cosplay? Check out this gender-bending "Geraltina" cosplay from last week.
The Witcher 3 launches May 19 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. GameSpot critic Kevin VanOrd scored the game a perfect 10/10. With that high praise, the RPG becomes the ninth game in GameSpot history to receive a perfect score.
For more on The Witcher 3's critical reception, check out what other critics are saying.