In what we think may be one of the more absurd and unexpected partnerships between a celebrity and a video game--and there have been many--Russian NHL superstar Alexander Ovechkin is coming to World of Warships.
You can use him as a commander for US or Soviet ships, while you can also use him as the game's first dual-nation commander that lets you switch between countries in the game while keeping the same leader. And Ovechkin himself did the voicework.
No matter which of the four new ships you use, they each include enhancements for its targeting and "survivability."
"I wanted people to understand that in any competitive field, you must inspire players to never give up," Ovechkin said in a statement. "Video games are just like sport--play more, train more.
"When I started the game for the first time, I realized I am not a very good ship commander... But, like on the ice, I will continue to play and build my game skills until I am the best!"
There is also a new ship camo, as well as hockey-themed patches, coming to World of Warships with the upcoming update that adds Ovechkin to the game. This update also introduces submarines, which changes things up significantly, as you'd imagine. Check out the images in the galleries in this post to get a closer look at the Ovechkin content.
Ovechkin, who is one of the best ice hockey players in the history of the sport, helped the Washington Capitals win their first-ever Stanley Cup earlier this year. Ovechkin and his teammates will try to defend their title as the 2018-2019 NHL season kicks off this week, even if EA's NHL 19 simulation of the season thinks that won't happen.
World of Warships, a free-to-play game for PC, is developed by Saint Petersburg, Russia-based Lesta Studios.