Upcoming next-generation action game Thief will not feature Quicktime events, developer Eidos Montreal announced in a blog post this week. The decision to drop the QTEs came after "strong reactions" from the press and the community, the developer said.
"We're not implementing them. To begin with, there were very few instances of QTEs in the game; in fact there was only one in that whole hour-long E3 demo," Eidos said. "However, given the strong reactions it evoked in the press and the community, it was an easy decision to do away with them entirely. So we're not doing it. No quick time."
It was also confirmed in the blog post that Thief will not feature any swimming levels because, "If Garrett went swimming, he would probably freeze to death." Eidos also confirmed that Thief will feature an Ironman difficulty mode, where if the player dies, the game ends.
Thief will be released on February 25, 2014, for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. A Wii U version is not in development.
For more on Thief, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.
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