Gaming News
The Spot 080601
The Spot 080601-October 2024
Oct 26, 2024 12:23 PM

  By Shane Satterfield

  Welcome to yet another week in the wonderful world of video games. I'm impressed that you guys seem to keep the good questions coming. But don't rest on your laurels. There are still plenty of issues for you to dissect and stand in awe of. So keep them coming. I'm interested in hearing what you think of our new GameSpotting feature. So send us your comments and questions by clicking here. Let's do this!



Super Smash Scope

  I was searching through the newest Super Smash Bros. Melee screenshots and noticed a close-up of Starfox aiming a Super Scope. The Super Scope was a peripheral for the Super NES system, so what's it doing in SSBM? Is this a weapon that is found in a crate or barrel or something? Or is it a secret? Please let me know and keep up the great work!

  -Sean Higgins

  If you remember correctly, Fox used a gun in the original Super Smash Bros. for the N64, but the graphical detail was so limited that it was impossible to tell if it was a Super Scope. Nintendo hasn't announced whether the GameCube version includes the Super Scope as a power-up or if it's Fox's default weapon, but I would guess Fox will be able to brandish the weapon on demand.


Where Is ToeJam and Earl?

  Help! I'm in dire straights! About two years back, I heard that a new ToeJam and Earl game was in the works. I have heard nothing about it recently...and it's driving me mad!! I still play the original on a regular basis--it is one of my favorite games. It stood the test of time and I find it to be more entertaining than most of my PS2 library. ToeJam and Earl had one thing games lack today, which is originality. Well, to get back to the question at hand, is there a new version of this great game in the works?? If so, what platform will it be on? Will it be similar to the original or the sequel? I hope it is nothing like the second ToeJam and Earl. That game was worth its weight in fecal material, nothing more. If this game doesn't come out, I'll probably become a huge heaping smelling pile of dung and rot out of existence.


  -Clint Martin

  Believe it or not, ToeJam and Earl is still coming for the Dreamcast. But we haven't heard anything about it coming to other consoles yet, and we know even less about how the game will play. All we have for it is a video thus far that you can find by clicking 516673here .


Planet of the Apes

  What happened to the Planet of the Apes game???


  Like so many other Dreamcast games, Planet of the Apes was canceled. There's no word on it coming to other consoles, so it looks like this will be one movie that does not have a video game counterpart. Sorry.


Console or PC?

  In my opinion, console developers take more time and put more effort into their games than PC developers. If you think about it, how many games have been so littered with bugs that the game needed patches to fix them? There are bad games, but none that barely play at all. Do you agree?

  -Knight Lane

  As you might expect, considering I work on the console side of GameSpot, I would rather own a console. This is mainly because there is a greater variety of software on consoles. I disagree that console developers take more time to make console games, but I agree that a higher number of PC games are buggy upon release. It also gets my goat that many of the newer PC games are supposed to run on low-powered systems when they, in fact, cannot. Tribes 2 comes to mind.


The Grid

  Hey, do you know if Midway has any plans on bringing The Grid to any console? My friends and I are hopelessly addicted to it.

  -Hector Disdier

  Surprisingly enough, Midway has yet to announce that the game is coming to consoles. The arcade market is so bad right now that it has undoubtedly clouded the judgment of developers and publishers. Midway recently canned its arcade division, so that doesn't help The Grid's chances of coming to consoles, either.


Unhappy About Speculation

  I have to ask just one question. I have read The Spot every time new letters are posted...and every time, I am frustrated with the fact that I have to skip over half of the messages due to the fact that people ask questions about games and give away half of the story line of a game. You know what I mean? Like a person will ask you, "Does this happen to so-and-so in this game?" or "What will the final level of this game look like?" I have seen a lot of messages that do this (especially ones about MGS2 for PS2). I mean, if you want to know what happens...just wait and buy the game! Why ruin it for everyone else? Just thought I would relieve that off my chest--people need to realize that 95 percent of a good game is not knowing the whole game before you play! Thanks for hearing me complain...


  I'm not sure if you realize this or not, but no one has played the final version of MGS2. Everything that has been said about MGS2 here in The Spot has been based upon what we know so far. It's pure speculation. It's fun to guess what might happen in a game that no one has played and then wait to see if it comes true. I don't really remember spoiling anything in this feature, but if I did, I apologize. I'll try to keep a sharper eye on spoilers in the future.


Street Fighter 4?

  Hey, what's up, GameSpot? I just wanted to know if there is any possibility that they might make Street Fighter 3: Third Strike for the PS2? I really like that game, or any other Street Fighter titles besides Capcom vs. SNK 2, such as maybe Street Fighter 4?

  Any info on Street Fighter is wanted...thanks.


  No info on Street Fighter IV yet. But you can bet your bottom dollar it's coming. Also, no announcement on Street Fighter III: Third Stike, either. EX3 didn't sell too well on the PS2, so I imagine you'll have to wait for the next installment in the 2D version of the series before you get another one on the PS2.


Sega For Sale?

  I'm not gonna start off by saying that you guys are the greatest video game Web site of all time because everyone else says that before their query. Most of us already know you guys rock. But anyways, my question is, why didn't any of the major console manufacturers purchase Sega? I know they (Sega) were in major debt, but their great characters and innovation in their games is worth the purchase alone. Let me clarify...Sega is now "platform agnostic," and they will be returning to profitability in the near future--and at the same time kicking EA's a**. But seriously...Microsoft especially would have benefited from purchasing Sega because then they would have tons of exclusive content plus a mascot (Sonic), which they don't really have. (I don't think Munch counts.) The same goes for Sony and Nintendo. I truly believe if any of these companies purchased Sega, they would almost be guaranteed to win the next console wars. Sure, they would take a loss at first with Sega's financial bind, but eventually consumers would see tons of exclusive content on whoever would purchase Sega. I really wish Nintendo had purchased them because then we would have the pioneers of the gaming industry on the same team, and I know they would have blown Microsoft and Sony to smithereens. I hope I spelled that right.

  Thanks, guys!!! Keep doin' what you're doin'.


  Sega hasn't been purchased by another company because it doesn't want to make games for just one console. It can sell three times the number of games it did before with its products on three platforms. Its mountain of debt doesn't make it an inviting purchase, either. Look on the positive side of things. Everyone, no matter what console he or she buys, will be able to play Sega's excellent games. It's good for everyone that things are the way they are.


PS Saves on PS2 Cards?

  Based on what you've seen so far, does it look like Nintendo will have more third-party support for the GameCube than it had with the N64? Also, I heard that there's a way to save data from PlayStation games on a PS2 memory card. Is this true? Thanks for your time.

  -Brandon Billaber

  Yes, the GameCube will have more third-party support than the N64 had. For proof, just look at the launch of the GameCube compared with the N64. We do not know of a way to save PlayStation data on PS2 cards, but if you find out, be sure to let us know.


Standing By

  If my PS2 is in standby mode, does it mean it's on? I want to know if I can leave it in standby mode without using up any electricity and adding to my electric bill. Also, what's the expansion bay in the back of my PS2 for? Hard drive, modem, or both?


  When your PS2 is in standby mode, it's ready to play without sucking major juice (electricity). You'll have to pay for only the electricity required to keep that small red light on, which amounts to perhaps a penny per day at the most. The expansion bay is for the internal PS2 HDD (40GB hard drive, broadband, and dial-up adapters). It slides right in and stays there.


PS2 Sports Queries

  Have you heard if Tennis 2K2 is coming to PS2? When will Hot Shots Golf 3 be released? Lastly, I just bought NCAA Football 2002 and was wondering if there will be any major gameplay differences between it and Madden 2002?


  Tennis 2K2 has been announced only for the Dreamcast, but I wouldn't be surprised if it hits every other console eventually. It's heralded as the best realistic tennis game on the market, so it should be a no-brainer for Sega. The major gameplay differences between NCAA and Madden are the inherent differences between the two sports. There are option plays, and you can run plays out of the wishbone or power-I sets, but that's about it. The core gameplay has remained virtually the same.


Three's Company

  Goodday. I noticed that many of the same games will come out for the PS2, GC, and Xbox. I know Microsoft and Sony are targeting the teens and older but I think Nintendo is doing the best, even though they have kiddie games. Even though the game industry is in a slump (variety of games), what it needs is a rivalry, like it used to be with Nintendo and Sega. I wish it were just two companies because we are going to have just one too many companies. Sega helps the industry big-time by just developing games. Who do you or any of the other editors think which company will fall off from developing systems?

  -Brandon Scott

  Well, most of us are afraid that the Xbox could be another Dreamcast, but we have never seen $500 million in marketing cash at work before, so we're still trying to be optimistic. Coming out of E3, things were really bad for Microsoft, but it seems that time has allowed people to forget what happened there. I sense that the momentum for the Xbox is growing, but I still don't see a killer app that will make 80 percent of the people say, "I must have that." I have to disagree with your assessment of the market being stronger with just two competitors. The more competition, the better.


Even More Sega Sports

  I love The Spot. It rocks. Do you know if it is true that on NCAA 2002 for PS2, you can transfer players from that game to Madden 2002? So you would be able to create a player on NCAA, guide the player through college, and then use him in the NFL?

  Is Sega having all its 2K2 series come out on PS2, including Tennis 2K2 and Bass Fishing? Do you have any release dates for these games? Do you think NFL 2K2 for PS2 will stand a chance against Madden 2002?

  Madden Rocks!



  As I've stated before, Sega has said, "All sports games to all platforms." This includes the PS2. We don't have release dates for Tennis or Bass Fishing, but I imagine we'll hear something at the Fall Tokyo Game Show. Yes, you can import players from NCAA into Madden. It's true! I think NFL 2K2 more than stands a chance against Madden. I would rather play NFL 2K1 for the Dreamcast than Madden NFL 2001 for the PS2 any day of the week. My only concern is that 2K2 might have inferior graphics since it's being quickly ported over, but the gameplay (which is where it counts) should be stellar.


Tactics Recall?


  I first want to say that this is a great site for just about any type of new game news. I read it about twice a week at work when I want to read anything I can about any type of game.

  The second thing I wanted to ask was about the rerelease of Final Fantasy Tactics for the greatest hits collection. You see, I just bought the game on 8/3 and I was about to play it on 8/4 when my PlayStation wasn't reading the CD as a PlayStation game. I took it back that day and the store told me that they had just gotten a recall for the game and that they were just supposed to pull them all off the shelf. I just wanted to know if you have any more information on the game. Most important is if they plan on shipping a new batch any time soon and when that would be. Well, thanks for your time.


  We haven't heard anything about Tactics being recalled, so this is news to us. Final Fantasy Chronicles, on the other hand, has been recalled, and Square is working on getting another shipment of good discs to stores. Perhaps the copy of Tactics you purchased was done on the same line as Chronicles. I say wait for a few weeks and then try to return your copy when you know the defective ones will be history.


Faster Downloads?

  Hello, I'm a fan of your site and I try to keep up with the latest happenings of video games. Unfortunately, some of the previews you show require downloading a movie for a video game. This is where I get frustrated. I have to wait for 30 minutes to an hour for a single movie. Then I started hearing about something that would speed up downloads and enable me to see movies in half the time. Is this true? If it is, can you tell me where I can get or download this thing? Thanks in advance.

  -Chris M. W.

  Any time we put up a video preview for a game, there's always a text version available as well. So don't think that if you can't watch the movies that you can't find out about the game. If you want to speed up your dial-up connection, there are a number of ways to do it, but most make little difference. These programs usually alter your drivers, and while they may speed up your Web surfing, they will often deplete your computer's ability to play online games well. I say be happy with what you've got or upgrade to broadband. If you really want increased speed, head to download.com and type download speed into the search engine.


Who Is Cid?

  Hi. I have just one question for ya all. Who is Cid, the character that appears in all the Final Fantasy games? Is it just a habit? Is it the producer's uncle? Are they all just weird?


  It's just a habit...those kooky guys at Square.


Broadband Console Gaming

  Whatever became of the Dreamcast broadband adapter? I'm going to hook up DSL pretty soon, and the thought of broadband Quake III makes me salivate. Could I use the Qwest ISP to play online? Also, any idea of online play requirements (in terms of ISPs and fees) for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube? Thanks.

  -Justin Buehner

  The Dreamcast broadband adapter was sold solely at Sega's online retail site, but it has since stopped selling it. Just about the only way you'll track one down now is on eBay. Most of the recent online DC games make use of it, but there aren't that many out there. We're not sure about online fees for any of the consoles, but most will be on a per-game basis at around $15 for a few months.


Console Wars Defined

  I've read The Spot a couple of times and I am writing this because both times, I saw letters where people wrote about the "console wars." In your answers to these letters, you have said that you don't understand what it is all about. The reason why people talk about how they want their favorite console to win the console wars is that most people can't afford to own more than one system. They don't want to waste their money, so they will fight for their investment. I can tell that most of the editors at GameSpot aren't console fans, so I can see why you wouldn't understand this. Don't think that I am writing this as a crazy console owner. Even though I have over 50 PlayStation games and I am starting a nice PlayStation 2 collection, I love PC games too. I am a huge fan of Blizzard and Maxis. I can't wait for The Sims Online and Warcraft 3 to come out. On the console side, I can't wait for MGS2 or FFX to come out. I thank you for reading my letter and I hope I helped you understand the console wars better.


  I understand the console wars perfectly. I even mentioned the last time I answered a letter like this that most can afford only one console. I just don't understand why people can be so fervent about it. Changing the mind of one person in our forums won't make a bit of difference in the console wars. Like it or not, it's all about snaring the casual market. You know, the people who buy two or three games per year. Not the total addicts like us. You also didn't mention why someone cares if his or her console wins the console war, which is what truly confuses me. Why does everyone in our country feel like he or she has to be like everyone else? For more on this, check out my column in GameSpotting this week.


NBA 2K1 a Downgrade?

  Have you guys ever heard of any problems with downloading the updated rosters for NBA 2K1 for Dreamcast? It downloads the rosters from the Internet all right, but it won't save to any of my memory cards. Also, is it just me or were the graphics better in NBA 2K? Some of the player's faces are just off, especially Magic Johnson. And the coaches look like mutants, and the announcer doesn't even announce their names.


  Shahed's spent some quality time with NBA 2K1. In fact, he reviewed it for us. So this one's for him.

  Shahed responds: Hi, Dean. I can't say that we have encountered any problems with the online elements of NBA 2K1. Perhaps you could try the download a few times. As far as the graphics go, I would have to disagree with your assessment. Some of the player faces might not be as realistic as those in the 2K version, but overall, the game looks much, much better. I remember the first time I saw the game, I was literally in awe.

  Regardless, NBA 2K1 is probably my favorite basketball game of all time. But from what I've seen of NBA 2K2 so far, I have to say that it might soon replace 2K1. Take care.

  I couldn't sign off without apologizing about not getting the The Spot out yesterday. I know that some of you find it hard to make it through your Monday without it. Heh. Just to prove there's a silver lining in every dark cloud, you'll be getting The Spot two days in a row for the first time ever. We'll see you tomorrow.

  The Spot Archive

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