The latest film installment in The Mummy series is about to hit theaters but retro gamers might be more interested in what's coming out later this summer. The Mummy Demastered is a pixelated adventure game based on the new film and it launches in late August on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
The game's developer, WayForward, is known for pixel games. It says Demastered will put players in the shoes of "an elite Prodigium agent who is tasked to take down Princess Ahmanet's army of the undead." The goal, of course, is to "save the world at any cost."
There are various settings including dark forest, maze-like military compounds, and the sandstorm-filled streets of London. The game is being released alongside two other The Mummy-themed gaming experiences. One is a location-based VR experience called The Mummy Prodigium Strike (available at locations in Los Angeles and New York), and the other is an iOS and Android game The Mummy Dark Universe Stories, an "episodic, supernatural adventure game" from the creators of Oxenfree. That launches later this month.
The Mummy the film is all-new cinematic reboot of the classic series, starring Tom Cruise out tomorrow. You can read our full review here on GameSpot and follow our coverage for the latest news on The Mummy Demastered.