May is a two-faced month for gaming news. On one hand, the most important week of the industry takes place during E3, with new announcements and information gushing onto the scene nonstop. On the other hand, the weeks after E3 are merely a chance to reflect on the tornado that just tore through Gamingtown and to catch one's breath.
The week started with a hush as the big story about E3 was what wasn't in the event's crowded aisles or back rooms. GameSpot News recapped the show's no-shows, with the most glaring omission being the disappearance of last year's buzz game, Killzone for the PlayStation 3. Other games that took vacations included Resident Evil 5 and the latest add-on to Half-Life 2.
With all the hoopla over the transition between current-gen and next-gen consoles, the sales numbers for April were certainly surprising. Numbers were up 16 percent over the same period last year; $699 million was tallied up, according to industry researchers NDP Funworld. The big winners were Electronic Arts and Take-Two Interactive, while Activision and THQ numbers were far down from last year's figures.
As the week wore on, more analysts threw their hats in the ring over E3 news, with DFC Intelligence saying that the pricing of the PlayStation 3 ($499 for the 20GB model, $599 for the 60GB) could spell doom for the industry. More PS3 opinions came by way of Bloomberg News, which said that early PS3 games could show only a fifth of the console's potential.
The week closed with bad news for kiddies in Minnesota who can't wait to grow up. The Minnesota House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that would fine minors who rent or buy AO- or M-rated games. One of the bill's authors, Rep. Jeff Johnson, says the goal of the bill is to protect kids from these games, which he says are full of "absolutely disgusting stuff."
E3 06: MIA @ E3 06
Wall Street lines gutter with game stocks
Ex-Infinium boss charged with stock scam
NPD: April's sweet 16 gives temporary reprieve
Microsoft strikes back at Lucent
Fear Effect next-gen sequel revealed, film plans updated
Analyst: PS3 price bad news for publishers, industry
Bloomberg: PS3 launch won't show potential
Microsoft unveils Vista requirements
Xbox Live downloads hit milestone
GameStop tallies billion-dollar quarter
Hitman: Blood Money goes gold, gets demo
Prey demo date announced
Minnesota pol attacks "disgusting stuff" in games
Ex-Wolfpackers take on Stray Bullet
Report: PlayStation 3 to cost £425 in UK
Assassin's Creed PlayStation 3 exclusive?
Shippin' Out May 15-19: New Super Mario Bros., X-Men
UK Game Charts: May 7-13