The Xbox One version of Tom Clancy's The Division will receive exclusive content, Microsoft announced today at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
Microsoft did not detail what form this content would take. The company previously announced that The Division will have SmartGlass support.
Separately, Ubisoft announced today that The Division is coming to the PC. Previously, it was confirmed only for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
"Since E3 we have been carefully listening to what has been said on the Internet," executive producer Fredrik Rundqvist said in a statement. "I can't stress enough how important it has been for us to feel your support, interest, and commitment to the game. Your opinions matter to us. The positive energy you bring back to the team will help us create the best game possible."
"One of the most frequently discussed topics has been that of releasing The Division on PC. With that in mind, I'm very pleased to announce that the game will be available on PC," he added. "Massive Entertainment has its roots in PC development with titles like Ground Control and World in Conflict. You can be certain that we will provide you with a first-rate PC experience."
Powered by a new Snowdrop game engine, The Division is an open-world action shooter in development at Ubisoft Massive. The game will launch in fall 2014.
For more on The Division, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.
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