A lot was going on in the Stardew Valley community over April Fool's Day, and it all comes back to drinking mayonnaise... again.
Over April 1st, many mayonnaise-related shenanigans were taking place in the Stardew Valley subreddit. As documented in this recap post, a lot of people got involved in the mischievous day, going as far as roleplaying certain characters from the farming sim, giving the subreddit a mayonnaise makeover, and some brave individuals drinking the condiment in real life - and sharing photographic evidence.
The event itself was called Mayonnaise Monday - inspired by the Stardew Valley 1.6 update that allows players to drink jars of mayo - and was organized by The Mayo Fairy. It seems to have started with this post which saw The Mayo Fairy encouraging members of the community to take part in several mayonnaise-related activities, such as making mayo, drinking mayo, sharing photos of mayo (both from Pelican Town and in real life), decorating jars of mayo, and voting for their favorite kind.
MAYONNAISE MONDAY from r/StardewValleyAs expected, the Stardew Valley community did not disappoint and quickly got to work. Underneath the post above, comments from familiar faces started popping up. For instance, a mod cosplaying as NPC Alex replied: "I can't believe you guys make eggs into mayo instead of eating them raw. think of all the protein ur missing." To which Harvey responded: "I've already told you not to do that! I don't approve of this mayonnaise drinking either but at least it's not raw eggs!"
"F****** hell. Gross. You will get salmonella one day," someone playing Sebastian also replied. This is when Sam then chimed in and a conversation between the four of them played out before members of the subreddit - resulting in the group playing out Sebastian and Alex's enemies-to-lovers arc in the subreddit. The owner of Pelican Town's medical clinic didn't stop here either. Harvey then made the following post in the subreddit.
I'm very disappointed in this community from r/StardewValley"I'm very disappointed in this community," Harvey writes. "I've made my opinion very clear, DON'T DRINK THE MAYONNAISE! I've had to treat at least 20 people today who drank that stuff. Even worse, Alex chugged a jug of raw eggs in front of me claiming it was good proteins. Seriously Pelican Town, do better!" Mayonnaise chugging is the least of Harvey's concerns, as Sam then replied to this post with: "Doc I might've swallowed a bunch of yarn do I need to come see u."
There's a lot more to Mayonnaise Monday, but you need to see it all yourself to get the full experience. Be warned though, you will see members of the community drinking mayonnaise from the bottle and using straws.