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Destiny: The Dark Below Preview
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Sony has detailed the exclusive PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 content that will be bundled with Destiny's first DLC expansion, The Dark Below.
The timed-exclusive content won't appear on Xbox 360 or Xbox One until "at least" Fall (Autumn) 2015, and comprises of one Strike mission and a new exotic weapon.
Players will return to The Black Garden for the Strike mission, entitled The Undying Mind, to face off against a colossal Vex machine which resembles the Hyrda enemies that Guardians have encountered before. This three-player Strike can be played with friends or via matchmaking.
"Prepare for firefights amidst vine-laden pillars and decaying paths in an effort to destroy the centuries-old evil," Sony writes on its blog.
Meanwhile, the new exotic weapon is a four-barrel shotgun with a chamber for five rounds and a "sizzlingly fast fire rate." Perks for this weapon, called The 4th Horseman, include Final Round (last round adds bonus damage) and Return to Sender (kills add bonus ammo direct into the magazine).
Promotional infographics of the exclusive content can be found below.
The Destiny DLC release date is December 9 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The non-exclusive content makes up the bulk of the package, and includes new story missions that pit you against a Hive god.
According to Sony, the DLC includes:
New weapons, armour, and gear to further customise your GuardianThe ability to increase your Light level to 32, and five additional bounty slotsThree new competitive multiplayer maps: Pantheon, Skyshock, and The CauldronNew cooperative Strike: The Will of Crota. Purge a twisted horror from the CosmodromeAn additional resident of the Tower: Eris, a resolute survivor of an ill-fated missionAnd a new six-player Raid: Crota’s End. Face him in the deepest darkLook below for additional screenshots of the DLC: