Sony has stated that online capabilities will be an integral part of their strategy for the PlayStation 3, but up until last weeks' Sony Gamers Day, specifics were hazy. With the PS3 launch just over two weeks away, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan today further clarified what gamers can expect from the system's out-of-the-box online capabilities. Covered in the statement are basic online services and games that will be available through the PlayStation Store using Sony's online infrastructure, the PlayStation Network.
In addition to account creation and the ability to sign in or out of one's account, Sony listed a number of basic, free services provided by PlayStation Network. These included block and friend-list features, and a message box for storing messages and file attachments from other users. Furthermore, the chat feature will allow users to talk to each other via video and voice.
Online gaming features will consist of a matching service, lobby where players can exchange pleasantries, scoreboards, and a shop service for purchasing game items. The press release gave Ridge Racer 7 from Namco Bandai and Resistance: Fall of Man from SCEA as examples of launch titles confirmed to support online modes.
Downloadable PS3 games that will be available through the PlayStation Store were also detailed. On November 11, when the system launches in Japan, three games will be available for download: Blast Factor (working title) and the free game Mainichi Issho from Sony Computer Entertainment, and a Ridge Racer 7 demo from Namco Bandai. Sony is also working on flOw, Lemmings, Kazuo, and Puzzle (working title) for this service, but release dates are as of yet unknown. Free demos of all the pay titles will be available so players can try before they buy.
Next, the Game Archives service, which will bring retro games to the PS3 and PSP, was discussed. Sony also states that 10 new titles will be added to the lineup each month from the start of the service sometime in late November. Initially the focus will be titles for use with the PSP, but PS3 titles will be added later. Below is an initial list of 10 PlayStation titles slated for the PlayStation Portable, which includes two compilations of MSX games ported over to the console in the late 1990s.
Resident Evil Director's Cut (Survival Horror, Capcom)
Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol. 1 (Miscellaneous, Konami Entertainment)
Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol. 2 (Miscellaneous, Konami Entertainment)
Bishi Bashi Special (Miscellaneous, Konami Entertainment)
Arc the Lad (Role-playing, Sony Computer Entertainment)
Jumping Flash! Aloha Danshaku Funky Daisakusen no Maki (Action, Sony Computer Entertainment)
Hot Shots Golf 2 (Golf, Sony Computer Entertainment)
Silent Bomber (Action, Namco Bandai Games)
Tekken 2 (Action, Namco Bandai Games)
Mr. Driller (Puzzle, Namco Bandai Games)
Sony also said items and expansions, such as characters, levels, and costumes, would eventually be available. However, the details are still to be announced. A service for distributing video content is also in the works, but, again, the press release did not go into specifics.
Finally, regarding payment for all these downloadable goodies, Sony stated that users would have access to an online "wallet" through their master account. For now, the only way to move funds into the wallet is by using a credit card, but Sony says other payment methods will be adopted in the future.