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Bloodborne - Japanese Launch Trailer
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From Software's Bloodborne releases exclusively on PlayStation 4 next week, and Sony feels its importance to the system is "invaluable."
Discussing Sony's plans for marketing the game, PlayStation UK product manager Joe Palmer told MCV (via VideoGamer) that highlighting the similarities--and differences--between Bloodborne and From's other major series, Dark Souls, is key. "[T]he Souls games are phenomenally popular, so ensuring that fans are aware of the common ground they share with Bloodborne is a vital part of our strategy," Palmer explained.
"However, it's not just the similarities with previous From Software games that we want to communicate," he said. "How Bloodborne differs from the Souls series will be at the forefront of our communications.
"Bloodborne provides a great chance for us to tap into a highly engaged audience and provide an invaluable contribution to PS4."
Sony's latest console hasn't had a huge number of triple-A exclusives as of late; February's The Order: 1886 was the first such game in some time, although its critical reception likely wasn't what Sony hoped for. What was expected to be perhaps the system's biggest PS4 exclusive of the year, Uncharted 4, was recently pushed back until 2016. E3 is now just over two months away, so it's possible we could be hearing about some kind of replacement for the game before long..
Bloodborne launches in North America next Tuesday, March 24. If you're a fan of difficulty, its New Game Plus option should be right up your alley. And if you both live in Denmark and are willing to donate blood, you can pick up a copy for free.