Released two years ago in March 2013, Sega's endless runner Sonic Dash, based on the company's iconic series Sonic the Hedgehog, has now reached 100 million downloads.
To mark the milestone, Sega has released a new infographic that covers some massive statistics about the game. For example, Sonic has run 1.1 billion miles in-game, players have collected 850 billion gold rings, and have spent a cumulative 14,000 years playing the game.
With over 100 million downloads, Sonic Dash becomes the most downloaded Sonic game in history. But of course, it's a free-to-play game.
Sonic Dash is available now as a free download across iTunes, Google Play, and Windows Phone. Being a free-to-play game, Sonic Dash relies on microtransactions to make money. Sega has not provided any details, however, regarding the profitability of Sonic Dash.
It may be popular, but Sonic Dash is still nowhere near Angry Birds or Temple Run, both of which have exceeded 1 billion downloads to date.
Sonic Dash was developed by Sega's internal mobile studio Hardlight.