Although there have been ongoing rumors for several months about which publisher will be given the rights to do a game adaptation of The Matrix, it seems that the movie's creators, the Wachowski Brothers, have chosen Interplay and Laguna Beach, Calif.-based developer Shiny Entertainment to develop a title based on the action flick.
According to an article published by ActionZine over the weekend, Warner Brothers and Interplay came to an agreement concerning the details of a Matrix game recently, and the Irvine-based publisher will delegate the development work to Dave Perry's Shiny Entertainment. Although there are no details available about the intricacies of the game, it's rumored that the game is tentatively scheduled for a simultaneous release with the second Matrix movie.
Warner Brothers and the Wachowski Brothers had previously spoken with Hideo Kojima about the possibility of a Matrix game from Konami. Kojima was the lead game designer of Metal Gear Solid, a game that had a lot of the same cinematics and special effects as The Matrix, even though it was released months before the movie.
At press time, PR reps from Interplay and Shiny's Dave Perry refused to comment about The Matrix license.