The Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals--a spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem--has finished well short of its target.
The campaign concluded today at $323,950, less than half of its $750,000 goal. A total of 5,932 people backed the project.
The game's Kickstarter campaign was relaunched on July 25 and featured a commitment from Metal Gear Solid voice actor David Hayter to play the lead role of detective Paul Becker.
The game's initial Kickstarter campaign was suspended in June over "new and exciting opportunities," according to developer Precursor Games.
It is not clear how Precursor Games will move forward now that the game's Kickstarter campaign has failed.
Shadow of the Eternals was scheduled to launch by October 2014 on PC and Wii U. For more, check out GameSpot's interview with Precursor Games founder Denis Dyack.
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