In its 2021 recap post aptly titled Onwards and Upwards, Facepunch Studios revealed that Rust has sold nearly 12.5 million units since its Steam early access launch, which happened eight years ago. This figure likely includes console sales, too, as Rust debuted on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in late May 2021, ported by Double Eleven.
Facepunch Studios also proudly boasted other figures, such as 1.11 million DLC packs sold, new peaks for concurrent online players (267K) and concurrent online servers (32K), over 600K banned accounts, over 400K Discord users, 1.3 billion total views on Twitch, 1.37 million concurrent viewers on Twitch, 4.2 million hours broadcasted on Twitch, and over 300 million hours watched on Twitch.
That's certainly not the end for Rust, anyway. The developer teased some of what fans can expect in terms of updates coming throughout 2022.
Below is a sneak peek of a new upcoming arctic monument which we'll be releasing in the very near future.
In addition to new monuments, this year you can expect to see new weapons, deployables, events, vehicles, animals and so much more. In February we'll be releasing a heap load of quality of life changes.
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