Returnal is PS5's new exclusive arcade shooter from the genre's experts at Housemarque. At first glance, it might seem like a familiar experience at first. With its rougelite structure, creepy atmosphere, and fast-paced third-person action, it's easy to think of comparisons and mashups of existing titles like Hades, Metroid, and Control. Like most rouguelites too, Returnal's fun is found in growing your skills through failure, with each run steadily teaching you how to best approach the game. It can help to go in with a little guidance, especially if you're finding the opening hours particularly challenging. Here are some tips that will help explain some of Returnal's more obscure mechanics and speed up your pace, whether you're just starting or have sunk in several hours already.
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11 Returnal Tips to Help you Survive
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As your arsenal of gadgets grows, your ability to move around a space expands, too. The grappling hook (which you only unlock a few hours in) is a great example of this, letting you string together life-saving swings and dexterous dodges to get out of even the hairiest of situations. But when push comes to shove, making sure you're comfortable with the ridiculous speed of Selene's sprint will go a long way toward ensuring your survival. As long as you're moving as much as you're shooting, you'll be fine.
This is especially important for both boss-like enemies, each of which generally features a weak point that can only be seen when aiming down the sights. It also helps you focus your fire on these points, which can be crucial for both slow-firing weapons and ones with small magazine sizes. It's also the easiest way to stagger these brutes, giving you a chance to do critical damage while also not being shot at. Making sure every bullet finds its mark can bring down these massive targets much faster than if you just decide to fire from the hip, which means less time for them to potentially take away chunks of your health.
Returnal does let you switch to a more traditional controller setup in the options screen.Still, if you're just not finding a groove with the setup and keep wasting your alt-fire when all you wanted to do was aim, Returnal does offer a more traditional controller setup that reserves L2 just for aiming and maps your alt-fire to L1 instead. You can activate this in the settings menu at any time, so experiment with both and see which feels more comfortable.
Don't just automatically pick up a weapon because it's higher tier.On top of that, the weapon level doesn't consider the alt-fire and perks for your equipped weapon, which should give you pause every time you consider switching up. Returnal's second biome, for example, is filled with mostly airborne enemies, making longer-range weapons a bit easier to work with in its opening stages. Make no mistake, adapting to new weapons and choosing the right one for the part of a run you find yourself in is crucial. But if you're still blowing enemies away and feel like you've gotten into a groove, stick with what you have until you absolutely feel like it's not strong enough anymore.
Things change later in the run where certain attacks (denoted by their purple color) will not allow you to dash through them safely. This can be slightly jarring after hours of muscle memory telling you that it's totally doable but just be warned of the sudden shift.
The blade is your friend, and it's way cool.It can be easy to forget about it when you're more preoccupied with returning projectiles at enemies, but ignoring melee will make Returnal's action harder to cope with as it becomes more frantic. Enemies with shields also require a melee hit before you can do any other damage to them, so it's advisable to become comfortable with getting up close and personal with them before you find a run prematurely ended because of it.
Your adrenaline multiplier increases with every few enemies you kill without taking damage, going up to a maximum level of five. Each level comes with its own perks, such as the ability to detect enemies through walls, a more powerful melee attack (when you unlock it), and even more currency rewards on kills. Take damage, however, and that gets reset down to zero. The benefits of a high adrenaline meter alone are enough to make it advisable to prolong a fight rather than take an unnecessary risk, but that only grows when you start finding suit upgrades that synergize with adrenaline (such as one that heals you based on your current adrenaline level).
Always be looking around and noting health pick ups.There is a decision you need to make here, though. You can sprint through new combat arena's trying to gather all these pickups before potentially taking damage to enemies, but that also leaves you with nothing to heal up with after a battle. Conversely, you can ignore them until after a fight, but you could find yourself getting later and later into a run without an adequate health total to draw from. Either way, it's good to remember not to ignore these pickups entirely, even if you are fully topped up.
Returnal's great map makes it easy to recall where points of interest are, so don't get too caught up in forward progression, and instead, take a moment to take stock, backtrack a little, and ensure you have everything possible before moving on. Especially since enemies don't respawn, making it a risk-free endeavor that can drastically change your run for the better.
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Worth noting also is the fact that once you defeat a boss in a biome, you're pretty much done fighting it forever, unless you want to return to that battle. So don't worry about having to power through a bunch of tough boss fights after every single death--it's one and done with those.
Malignant items are generally not worth the risk.While Returnal wants you to make decisions about whether it's worth the risk of malfunction to gain certain advantages, more often than not, you should ignore malignant items. The malfunctions you get can seriously damage your ability to advance through Returnal's biomes, and the benefits are tough to anticipate or measure. What's more, spending Ether to clear malignancy usually isn't worth it since the contents of every malignant chest are random. You'll often find enough guns, resin, and health pickups without having to resort to using malignant ones--so unless you're desperate to heal yourself in a pinch or find a new weapon, skip malignant pickups to protect yourself.
There's one exception to this rule: malignant keys. They're usually worth snagging if you don't otherwise have any, even if you'll incur a malfunction getting them. It's usually better to have a key on-hand than not, so even if you pass one by, make a mental note of its location so you can return to it if you need it.
There's actually a way to open these gates.You'll find these early in the game--gray stone barriers you can see through and which always hide items but which you can't pass through or unlock with Atropian Keys. These barriers can be cleared by finding and shooting yellow switches that are hidden somewhere in the room, and as you go on through Returnal, their hiding places will get more clever.
Look for these switches--they're lit yellow, but blink red and let out a tone sound when you're aiming down sights.You get some clues to find them, though, if you aim down the sights with your gun. Do that, and the switch will blink red and start emitting a pulsating tone, even if you're not actually looking at it or aiming at it; the switch just reacts to the fact that you're aiming your gun. Use the 3D audio in your headphones to track the switch down while aiming to get your goodies.
Your mini-map will show you all kinds of information, including enemy locations, item drops, teleporters, and a whole lot more. You should keep one eye on it at almost all times.While the bullet-hell nature of Returnal means you'll need to keep your eyes open to avoid attacks, you'll find that a lot of the damage you sustain throughout the game comes from sources you can't see. A huge trick to staying alive is repositioning yourself quickly and efficiently so that enemies are not flanking you, but you can also avoid this by glancing at your map and assessing enemy locations, marked in red. You can use the map to pinpoint where enemies are moving to so you can lose them, find out where they're lying in wait for an ambush, and when they're compromising your cover so you can get the hell out of there. It's an essential tool, especially in big fights.
One last note about the mini-map: It marks everything, so use it to effectively clean out rooms. Guns, Obolites, and health pickups have their own identifiers, but everything else, including parasites, artifacts, consumables, lore pickups, and Ether, are all marked with a triangle pointing down. Seek those things out and make sure you're taking everything with you when you clear out a room.
When things get too hectic, don't hesitate to exit the room and reassess the situation.One big tip is that you can run for it in most cases, and if you're getting overwhelmed, you should. Some rooms will go into lockdown when you enter them, forcing you to fight the battle the battle to escape (although usually the lockdown lifts when you kill one big, tough enemy, rather than wipe out all the baddies in the room--so focus on whatever spawns last and you'll usually unlock your exit). But the vast majority will let you enter and exit even in the middle of combat, giving you a chance to get away, reassess, and restart an engagement to your liking. You can also use doors to block enemies and kill them in smaller groups if they're overwhelming you. Enemies can't open doors, so if you pass through one and back away, it'll close, creating a wall between you and your opponents. Some attacks can penetrate doors, so you should still be careful, but you'll be safe from most if you need a breather.
Critically, enemies will not respawnin rooms you've already cleared, so you can always feel good about backtracking to pick up items you passed on or to check side paths. And that means that if you're hitting a wall in one fight, you can often just bail on it and try again later. Don't be afraid to cheese enemies using doors or disengage a battle that's going poorly. Staying alive is your biggest mandate most of the time in Returnal.
You want all the Obolites you can get, so keep an eye out for the statues that are packed with them.Occasionally, though, you'll spot statues with yellow eyes. Blast these whenever you can, because they're packed with Obolites. The yield is usually pretty low--like 15 Obolites per statue--but it adds up in a hurry when you want to buy expensive upgrades and artifacts. In general, it's a good idea never to let Obolites pass you by if they're not malignant, so keep your eyes open when passing Atropian statues.
A specific artifact is necessary to disable these yellowish or light orange forcefields: the Blade Balancer. You'll have to find or buy it on every new run in order to access these areas, but it's always worth it.Look for this artifact at fabricators--it often appears at the big fabricator near the boss room of a given biome. The artifact increases your melee damage in general, but once you've installed it, you can break yellow force fields, which almost always block the way to some great items and artifacts. That means the Blade Balancer is almost always worth purchasing. You're likely to find yellow force fields sometime in your run, and even if you don't, the added melee damage can be a life-saver against tougher enemies that chase you around the battlefield.
You never want to pass up activating a Reconstructor if you're worried you might die before you escape a biome.It also means you should be constantly aware of the Ether you're carrying and make sure to stockpile it accordingly. Every Reconstructor takes six Ether to power, and there's one in each biome, but a Reconstructor you powered in the Crimson Wastes won't save you if you die in the Derelict Citadel. That means you shouldn't spend Ether on Reconstructors in biomes you're just passing through or feel pretty comfortable in, and save it for when you're fighting bosses or exploring new territory. You should also forego using Ether to clear malignancy on items unless you've got some to spare. Ether is a precious resource specifically because you can use it to save your life, so keep Reconstructors in mind as you're making decisions about what items to pick up.
It's expensive, but the Emergency Repairs artifact will go a long way toward keeping you alive, so save up for it.Emergency Repairs takes a few seconds to execute, so keep that in mind--it doesn't heal you instantly like picking up Silphium, it heals you slowly over time. That means you'll still die if you take two hits right in a row while you're at critical damage. But if you can keep moving and get to safety, Emergency Repairs is like always having a hit of Silphium in your back pocket.
We should note also that you can find this same perk from some parasites. It's almost always worth the tradeoff to have Emergency Repairs, unless it means drastically reducing your Protection or rendering repairs less efficient. Otherwise, if you can get this perk, you should.
Decrypting Data Cubes will add new items to your loot pool, so if you see this station, make a note of where--that way, you can find it again in later runs. It's always in the same place.Data Cubes have to be inserted in particular devices, however. The good news is that these devices are always located in the same places in a biome, so when you run across one, you should memorize where you found it. Some stations are easier to come by than others--a few are right at the end of the biome or even past the boss, while others can be situated at central hub rooms or right at the start. But if you find a Data Cube while exploring, you should prioritize taking it to the device and getting it decrypted, because that new item might be a serious boon to you in the future. Knowing where you have to go can make that process a lot easier, especially as you get deeper into Returnal.
For more about Returnal, be sure to read our full review. Also, be sure to read our feature discussing why it's okay to constantly die in Returnal.