With only 19 retail locations in the US, Micro Center isn't exactly a fixture in most cities. But with the electronics chain now offering a $100 mail-in rebate for customers who purchase an Xbox 360 at those stores, it might be worth a drive to find one.
According to the retailer's Web site, any customer who purchases an Xbox 360 (premium or core version) between last Sunday, November 12, and December 3, can fill out a form to knock a Benjamin off the price of next-gen admission. The systems are not being sold on the company's Web site at the moment.
Customers must send in the rebate form within 15 days of making their purchases, and rebates are limited to one per product, purchase, name, household, address, or organization. Rebate checks should arrive within 12 weeks. For more information, check out the Micro Center Web site's Rebate Center.