Microsoft will release yet another new Xbox One bundle later this year, this one themed around Ubisoft's Rainbow Six franchise. That's according to recently discovered retailer listings. The bundle in question reportedly comes with a 1 TB Xbox One and a copy of Rainbow Six Siege. It also apparently packs in Rainbow Six Vegas and Rainbow Six Vegas 2, playable on Xbox One through backwards compatibility.
@lifelower spotted a product page for the unannounced bundle on Amazon Italy. @Warior64 also found a listing for the console from Target. According to that finding, the system will launch January 10 for $400.
Though the evidence for its existence is certainly mounting, this Xbox One bundle remains unconfirmed at this stage. We'll have more details on the system as they become available.
If it's real, it'll add to Microsoft's already-extensive lineup of Xbox One bundles. Others already available come with Fallout 4 + Fallout 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider + Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, and FIFA 16, among others. You can see all the bundles here on the Xbox website.
Siege launched on December 1 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. In other recent news, the game's first premium expansion has been delayed. For more, check out GameSpot's review.