Norwegian developer Antagonist has announced that its third-person psychological horror game Through the Woods will debut for Windows PC, Mac, and Linux in Q1 2016. That means it should be out by April.
Haven't heard of Through the Woods? In the game, which has been in development since 2013, you play through a mother's re-telling of the "terrible events" surrounding the tragic disappearance of her son. The setting is a creepy forest, inspired by Norse mythology and Norwegian folk tales.
Antagonist said its overall goal with Through the Woods was to present the forest as they remember it from their childhood, as a frightening place to explore. The trailer below sets the tone.
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Through the Woods - Announcement Trailer
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In Through the Woods, players have only a flashlight to help them not only navigate the dark woods and its rundown cabins and deep caverns, but also to steer clear of "grotesque mythological abominations."
Antagonist also notes that Through the Woods has a special emphasis on sound design. Since creatures are attracted to your flashlight, at times you'll want to turn it off. When you do, the in-game volume increases. At the same time, another audio tweak will help you better understand the direction sound is coming from.
The developer says it's assembled a "world class sound team" whose previous credits include Telltale Games' acclaimed Walking Dead franchise. What's more, Antagonist worked with The Secret World and Age of Conan developer Funcom for various motion-capture sequences.
In terms of story, Through the Woods plays out as Karen, the mother, is being investigated over the disappearance of her son. Antagonist notes that the game uses "dynamic narration," meaning that the dialogue between Karen and the investigator may change based on how events unfold.
“Growing up in Norway, our parents frequently told us fables about horrifying atrocities that lived in the woods and preyed on children; not the watered down fairytales Hollywood provides kids today," producer Anders Hillestad said in a statement. “Through the Woods will deliver a terrifying experience, making players fear for Karen and all that she holds dear."
For more on Through the Woods, check out some images in the gallery below.