In the latest issue of Arcadia magazine, Psikyo revealed that it has closed its video game operations. In the Maker's Comments section of the magazine, where arcade developers are given space to make a short publicity statement every month, Psikyo printed a crying face made of Japanese text symbols, together with this comment: "Psikyo's business and game development department's gone a-bone. Thank you for the 10 years of patronage." The term "a-bone" is a computer term used in Japanese to signify the state of death.
Psikyo released its first arcade game, Sengoku Ace, in April 1994. The company is known for a number of shooters and mah-jongg titles. Psikyo merged with X-nauts in mid-2002. Its last release was a mah-jongg game based on an adult manga named G-Taste that was released for the arcades and PlayStation 2.