Despite losing its game director and layoffs at developer Evolution Studios, PlayStation 4 racing game Driveclub is making "spectacular progress," Sony has confirmed. A Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesperson told Videogamer that development on the game is "going from strength to strength" and that recent staff changes do not affect development.
"We have full confidence that the game will deliver on its PS4 promise to be the first truly socially connected racing title and we are very pleased and excited by the calibre of work from Evolution Studios," the Sony representative said.
"The progress being made on the game is spectacular," the representative added. "So we're looking forward to sharing an update on development, release date, and videos of the game in action in the weeks to come. We thank you for your patience and assure you, it will be worth the wait."
Driveclub was originally a PS4 launch title, but Sony later delayed the game...but not because of experimentation with virtual reality headset Project Morpheus. Though game director Col Rodgers has left Sony, a new director for the game will be announced "soon," Sony said.
For more on Driveclub, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.