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Dead Island 2 - Electric Shotguns and Flaming Hammers
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The upcoming beta for open-world zombie game Dead Island 2 will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 for a period of 30 days. After that time is up, it will be made available on Xbox One and PC, according to an FAQ on the game's website spotted by Videogamer.
To get into the Dead Island 2 beta, you needed to have preordered November's cel-shaded spinoff, Escape Dead Island. Publisher Deep Silver has not announced any other ways you can get into the Dead Island 2 beta, though it still has plenty of time to announce further plans.
A start date for the Dead Island 2 beta has not been announced, nor are there any immediate details on what the beta will entail.
Unlike the original Dead Island (2011) and sequel Dead Island Riptide (2013), which were developed by Polish studio Techland, Dead Island 2 is currently in development at Spec Ops: The Line studio Yager.
Dead Island 2 is not the only new Dead Island project in the works. There is also the MOBA Dead Island Epidemic and a Dead Island movie, which was recently resurrected.
For more on Dead Island 2, which launches in 2015, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.