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Overwatch 2 Update Adds Star Wars-Inspired Event, Balance Changes, And Hero-Specific Settings
Overwatch 2 Update Adds Star Wars-Inspired Event, Balance Changes, And Hero-Specific Settings-March 2024
Mar 19, 2025 11:15 AM

  Overwatch 2's latest update adds a new limited-time event that has players picking sides in an intergalactic struggle between rebels and an evil empire, alongside a significant batch of balance updates and the addition of hero-specific settings.

  From May 9 to May 22, players will be able to queue up and compete as either the Watcher rebels or the Infinite Empire in a new limited-time game mode called Starwatch: Galactic Rescue. Those fighting for freedom will need to escort the rebel leader Bonebreaker (aka Doomfist) as he seeks to free the imprisoned droid 3CH-0 (aka Echo) from the clutches of the empire. The rebels will need to hold various capture points, but it won't be easy. Players on the side of the Infinite Empire, led by Galactic Emperor Sigma and aided by security turrets, will be there to hold the line. Completing event challenges will unlock various cosmetics, like the Asteroid Wrecking Ball skin, a weapon charm, and more.

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  Now Playing: Overwatch 2 Motion Comic | Starwatch: An Echo of Hope

  While the event is the star of the space-themed update, various balance changes have also been introduced to many of the game's heroes. As detailed in the official patch notes, those changes include a damage buff to Orisa's primary weapon, a Biotic Grenade healing nerf for Ana, and an increase to the damage radius of Winston's Jet Pack ability.

  Junker Queen has seen perhaps the largest number of changes, having her maximum ammo increased, the projectile size of her throwing knife increased, an increase to the passive healing multiplier of Adrenaline Rush, and changes to Rampage so that it now deals 40 impact damage and less wound damage. Other heroes who have been slightly adjusted include Baptiste, whose Immortality Field has had its cooldown decreased, and Lifeweaver, who can no longer Life Grip Reinhardt's in the middle of using their ultimate.

  Blizzard has additionally introduced a number of hero-specific options and settings to allow players the ability to "custom-tailor" their experience playing their favorite heroes. Many of those options allow for the ability to hide timers or elements of the UI for specific characters, or give players an option between holding down a key to use certain abilities. In total, 27 of the game's 37 heroes now have at least one hero-specific option that players can experiment with.

  Overwatch 2's fourth season kicked off on April 11, introducing a new support hero, Lifeweaver, into the fold. Blizzard sought to make improvements to the character shortly after his arrival, with Lifeweaver receiving a rework to how his platforms are controlled alongside a buff to his ultimate, Tree of Life. You can read the full patch notes for Overwatch 2's Starwatch update below.


Overwatch 2 Starwatch Update Patch Notes


New Event - Starwatch: Galactic Rescue

  Battle for the fate of the galaxy in this new four-point Assault mode. Side with the Watcher rebels alongside the mighty Bonebreaker to rescue 3CH-0 from the Infinite Galactrius starship. Or serve the Infinite Empire and use the starship's security systems to defend against the intruders. Your choice will decide the fate of the galaxy, for whichever side wins more battles by the end of the event will reign supreme!

  Complete event challenges to unlock limited-time cosmetics, like the Asteroid Wrecking Ball epic skin, as well as up to 50,000 Battle Pass XP.

  Battle for Olympus Returns

  To celebrate Zeus Junker Queen's victory from Season 2's Battle for Olympus event, we are bringing back the game mode for a limited-time, including an all new Team Deathmatch version! To further commemorate the victors of Season 2, a statue of the god herself has been erected in Ilios.



Ping System

  "Group Up" can now be used while dead.Added a new setting to Controls -> Communication -> Ping - Options -> Enable Contextual Comms Wheel. When Enabled, this setting changes "Group Up" and "Need Healing" to use alternate comms when aiming at allies. This setting is "Off" by default.Junker Queen can now ping targets through surfaces that her knife is stuck in, in the same way that Zenyatta can ping targets his Discord is attached to.Push Game Mode Update

  The respawn time for players is increased by 2 seconds from 10s to 12s while their team’s forward spawn location is activated.Developer Comments: Forward spawn locations were proving to be too advantageous for the team with the lead, making it a bit too difficult for the disadvantaged team to mount a comeback.


  MMR decay system has received multiple improvements aimed at more quickly and accurately re-calibrating players when they return from a long period of inactivity.


The 2023 Competitive Deathmatch season begins on May 16th!



Developer Comments: These changes increase Junker Queen's front-line presence by increasing her self-healing and offensive sustainability. We've also increased Jagged Blade's projectile size so it's more consistent to land.


  Maximum ammo increased from 6 to 8Jagged Blade

  Projectile size increased from 0.15 to 0.20 metersRampage

  Now deals 40 impact damageWound damage decreased from 100 to 60Adrenaline Rush

  Adrenaline passive healing multiplier increased from 1.25 to 2x damage dealt by wounds

Developer Comments: Orisa often gets a lot of value with her abilities, but she is underperforming compared to other tanks. Increasing her weapon damage will make her more of an immediate threat after closing the distance with the enemy team.

  Augmented Fusion Driver

  Damage increased from 12 to 13

Developer Comments: It's difficult to deal full damage with Winston's leap due to needing to land almost directly on the enemy hero. Increasing this range will improve its consistency.

  Jet Pack

  Damage radius before falloff begins increased from 1 to 1.3 meters

Developer Comments: Adaptive Shields gives Wrecking Ball a lot of leeway in a fight due to its duration. This change to Adaptive Shields limits his survivability during prolonged engagements.

  Adaptive Shield

  Effect duration decreased from 9 to 7 seconds


Developer Comments: The following changes increase the flexibility of Echo’s Duplicate ultimate and shift some of its focus away from the allure of building multiple copied ultimates in a single use. This puts more of an emphasis on choosing a Duplicate target based on the hero's overall utility for a given situation, with the benefit of increased survivability due to transforming. Echo will get her ultimate more frequently but it will be more difficult to generate the copied hero’s ultimate.


  Ultimate cost reduced 25%Ultimate generation decreased from 5.5x to 4x while Duplicate is active

Developer Comments: The previous adjustment to Concussion Mine's maximum damage lowered the effectiveness of Junkrat's grenade and mine combos too much so we are increasing the damage amount slightly.

  Concussion Mine

  Maximum damage increased from 100 to 110


Developer Comments: Ana’s survivability has improved significantly ever since the addition of the support passive. We are reducing the amount of healing provided by the Biotic Grenade explosion as she doesn’t need to rely on it for self-healing as much as before.

  Biotic Grenade

  Explosion healing decreased from 100 to 60

Developer Comments: Immortality Field provides powerful utility, but its long cooldown means that Baptiste often has to wait for the perfect opportunity to use it. We're decreasing its cooldown slightly to promote more flexibility in usage, though it will still be uncommon to see it in more than once per engagement.

  Immortality Field

  Cooldown decreased from 25 to 23 seconds

Developer Comments: Kiriko sometimes accidentally interrupts her Kunai reload with Ofuda. Kunai now reloads slightly sooner during the animation to mitigate this. In addition, there is now a hero option, "Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload," which can be turned off to bypass this issue entirely.


  Kunai reloads after 65% percent of the animation has completed (formerly 75%)New Hero option: "Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload"

Developer Comments: Earthshatter is an ultimate where positioning is critical to effectively use, so we are adjusting it so that Reinhardt doesn’t have their ultimate be effectively canceled when Lifeweaver uses Life Grip.

  Life Grip

  Reinhardt is no longer a valid target for Life Grip during Earthshatter, and using Earthshatter will cancel Life Grip.


In addition to the hero balance adjustments in this update, we are implementing multiple quality-of-life settings for several heroes to give you the ability to custom-tailor your experience of playing your favorite heroes.



Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hide Boosters Cancel Text - Off by defaultHide Boosters Timer - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hand Cannon UI - On by defaultHold To Use Power Block - Off by defaultHide Power Block Cancel Text - Off by defaultHide Rocket Punch Meter - Off by defaultHide Rocket Punch Cancel Text - Off by default

Terra Surge can now be activated by pressing the Ultimate button again

  Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hide Fortify Timer - Off by defaultHold To Use Javelin Spin - Off by defaultHide Javelin Spin Cancel Text - Off by default

Block now respects holding the input through being stunned. Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Toggle Block - Off by defaultHide Nemesis Form Cancel Text - Off by defaultRelative Aim Sensitivity During Nemesis Form - 100% by defaultRelative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Nemesis Form - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)Annihilation Cancel Input - Ability 1 by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Relative Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Field - 100% by defaultRelative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Field - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)Hold To Use Charge - Off by defaultHide Charge Cancel Text - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Hide Whole Hog Timer - Off by default

Gravitic Flux now automatically casts when the timer runs out


Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Toggle Secondary Fire - Off by default

Pressing the Quick Melee button now cancels Roll

  Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Toggle Quick Melee During Roll


Configuration: Artillery now automatically casts when the timer runs out

  Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Relative Aim Sensitivity During Reconfigure - 100% by defaultRelative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Reconfigure - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hide Deadeye Timer - Off by defaultHide Deadeye Cancel Text - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hold To Use Focusing Beam - Off by defaultHide Flight Cancel Text - Off by defaultHide Flight Timer - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hold To Use Deflect - Off by defaultHide Deflect Cancel Text - Off by default

Cyro-Freeze can now be canceled by pressing the ability’s button again

  Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hold To Use Cryo-Freeze - Off by defaultHide Cyro-Freeze Cancel Text - Off by defaultHide Cryo-Freeze Timer - Off by defaultDefault Ice Wall Rotation - Horizontal by defaultIce Wall Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default

Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Toggle Hover Jets - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Hold To Use Wraith Form - Off by DefaultHide Wraith Form Cancel Text - Off by DefaultShadow Step Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default

Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Toggle Hack - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Toggle Secondary Fire - Off by defaultHold To Deploy Sentry Turret - Off by defaultTeleporter and Photon Barrier Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by defaultDefault Photon Barrier Rotation - Horizontal by defaultHide Photon Barrier Timer - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Hide Overload Timer - Off by default

Added the Hero-Specific Option:

  Blink UI - On by default


Automatic Reload setting now reloads when both Primary and Secondary Fire are out of ammo if setting is set to Off

  Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Default Amplification Matrix Rotation - Horizontal by defaultAmplification Matrix Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Relative Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Shield - 100% by defaultRelative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Barrier Shield - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)Repair Pack UI - On by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Healing Ofuda Cancels Reload - On by default

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Relative Thorn Volley Aim Sensitivity - 100% by defaultRelative Thorn Volley Gyro Aim Sensitivity - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)Tree of Life Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default

Allow Backwards Wall Ride option now On by default

  Hold To Crossfade options changed from Off/On to Off/Hold For Speed/Hold For Heal.


Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Caduceus Blaster Input - Primary Fire by defaultRelative Caduceus Blaster Aim Sensitivity - 100% by defaultRelative Caduceus Blaster Gyro Aim Sensitivity - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms)

Added the Hero-Specific Options:

  Harmony and Discord Orb Cancel Reload - On by defaultHide Transcendence Timer - Off by default



  Resolved an issue that awarded the incorrect competitive Season 3 titles for some playersFixed a bug in the Options menu that resulted in Communication Option changes to not saveConsole - Fixed an issue that prevented you from navigating the competitive menu while in queueConsole - Fixed a bug on some consoles that prevented saving highlightsConsole - Fixed a bug that prevented players on console from renaming Custom Game presetsFixed a bug with Payload and Hybrid game modes displaying a debug string when the payload is pushed the end of the mapResolved a bug where you were unable to view some Heroes weapons and/or equipment in the Hero GalleryFixed a bug with the camera sometimes becoming askew when the player's movement was interrupted by negative statusesFixed an issue where some Maps were missing images on the Competitive Progress screen Fixed a bug where a sound prompt was missing when you ranked down in Competitive modesMAPS

  Antarctic Peninsula

  Removed a large misplaced shadow near the capture point in the Labs areaBusan

  Fixed a bug with the drum in the Sanctuary area allowing player objects to be thrown/placed inside of itCircuit Royale

  Fixed some areas that allowed players to stand in unintended locationsEsperança

  Replaced the indestructible vase in the spawn rooms to a regular ceramic vase that can shatter. Please break them at your own will.Hollywood

  Removed a planter near the first chokeLijang Tower

  Fixed in a previous update - Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand in unintended locationsShambali Monestary

  Fixed some areas on the map that would eat projectilesHEROES


  Fixed a bug where Biotic Grenade was only tracking self-hitsAshe

  Fixed a bug where Ashe's accuracy became inconsistent during a jump and other movementsBastion

  Fixed a bug with the Assault Configuration playing an old reload animation if used as soon as you spawnBrigitte

  Fixed a bug which caused Brigitte’s extra armor during ‘Rally’ to not apply it’s 30% damage reduction correctlyDoomfist

  Fixed a bug with Powerblock not correctly reducing area of effect damageFixed a bug with the Empowered buff from Meteor Strike not counting toward the Empowered Rocket Punch statD.Va

  Fixed a bug with D.Va's 'Selfie' highlight intro not removing the mech after the explosion when some skins were equippedGenji

  Fixed a bug where deflecting Kiriko or Lifeweaver's healing projectiles did not heal your alliesKiriko

  Fixed a bug with Swift Step sometimes getting players stuck in the mapLifeweaver

  Fixed the issue with Lifeweaver's Custom Game controls being broken after the controls updateFixed an issue with the Petal Platform geometry not matching its projectile collisionFixed a bug where your Life Grip target would bounce back if you activate the ability while you're on an enemy Petal Platform and they are on a friendly Petal PlatformFixed an issue with Life Grip failing and going on cooldown in some cases if used at the same time as your target activated an abilityFixed a bug where Lifeweaver would auto-swap to Healing Blossom if Tree of Life was placed while Thorn Volley was activeFixed the placement of Lifeweaver in the Hero Gallery and Hero SelectMei

  Fixed a bug with Ice Wall becoming unusable until cancelled after targeting an invalid locationPharah

  Fixed a bug with Concussive Blast only tracking self-hitsRamattra

  Fixed a bug with Nemesis form failing to go on cooldown if you die during the transformationFixed a bug with Nemesis form not activating and enabling its cooldown if you were knocked down while Annihilation mode is active and then attempted to activate Nemesis FormReaper

  Fixed a bug with the Ambush Play of the Game not having a sniper reticle and some sounds when certain skins were equippedSojourn

  Resolved an issue where the Disruptor could be attached to the Push botSombra

  Fixed a stat tracking issue where Health Pack healing was only counting self-healingWidowmaker

  Fixed a bug where Widowmaker could become stuck in the grappling animation if Grappling Hook was used on a moving platformWORKSHOP

  Fixed multiple issues related to Custom Projectiles

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