Vivendi Universal Games and Rebellion have today announced the launch of the official Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death Web site. The site contains game-related news, a "making of" video, screenshots, wallpaper, in-game movies, a screensaver, and information on some of the characters that players will encounter as they progress through the game. There's also a minigame to be found on the site in which players have to shoot at various bad guys without accidentally opening fire on a judge.
Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death is a first-person shooter inspired by 2000AD's most popular character. As Judge Dredd, players will get to patrol the futuristic streets of Mega-City One, dealing out Dredd's unique brand of justice to criminals. The game is currently scheduled for release on the PC and all current-generation consoles later this year. For more information, check out our previous coverage of the game.