The newest Transformers movie, The Last Knight, is out now--but it did not do so well in the US this weekend. Box office numbers from Entertainment Weekly show that the film made $45.3 million domestically for the June 23-25 weekend, which is substantially below what the three previous entries Revenge of the Fallen ($109 million), Dark of the Moon ($97.9 million), and Age of Extinction ($100 million) made during their respective US opening weekends.
The Last Knight was directed by Michael Bay, but he won't be back in the director's chair for the 2018 and 2019 sequels.
While The Last Knight might not be a big winner stateside compared to past entries, it was far and away the No. 1 movie at the box office this weekend, well clear of Cars 3 ($25.2 million) in the No. 2 position. Internationally, The Last Knight is performing far better, where it made $196 million this weekend, which, combined with $69.1 million in total from the US, pushes its global hgaul to more than $265 million. It still has a lot of work to do to catch up to 2014's Age of Extinction, which made more than $1 billion at the global box office when all was said and done.
Rounding out the top five films at the US box office this weekend were Cars 3 ($25.2 million), Wonder Woman ($25.2 million), 47 Meters Down ($7.43 million), and All Eyez On Me ($5.85 million). You can see the full Top 10 report below.
In other news, Wonder Woman set a new box office record this week, becoming the highest-grossing movie directed by a woman ever.
June 23-25 US Box Office Results
Transformers: Last Knight – $45.3 millionCars 3 – $25.2 millionWonder Woman – $25.2 million47 Meters Down – $7.43 millionAll Eyez On Me – $5.85 millionThe Mummy – $5.83 millionPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales – $5.24 millionRough Night – $4.7 millionCaptain Underpants – $4.28 millionGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – $3 millionBeatriz At Dinner – $1.8 million