A new version of the $99 Android-powered Ouya mini-sized console will be released every year, according to Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman. Speaking to Joystiq at D.I.C.E. 2013 this week, Uhrman said the company will iterate every year to take advantage of price drops for components.
"As it relates to iterating the console and refreshes, our strategy is very much similar to the mobile strategy. There will be a new Ouya every year," Uhrman said. "There will be an Ouya 2 and an Ouya 3. We'll take advantage of faster, better processors, take advantage of prices falling. So if we can get more than 8GB of Flash in our box, we will. And in so doing, make sure that all games are backwards compatible."
Uhrman said Ouya games will be tied to a user's account, meaning that if a customer upgrades on a yearly basis, their content will transfer over to the new machine. The first version of the Ouya console will be available in June online and through several major retailers.
In addition, Uhrman announced a partnership with Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions that will see the company's new game Reds be released on the Ouya. In addition, Words with Friends co-creator Paul Bettner's Verse Studio is working on a game for the console.
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