We wanted to give you heads up that we have completely overhauled our commenting system today, making use of technology from Livefyre. Our old system had been in place for a very long time, and while competent enough when we first turned it on back in the dark ages of the Internet, it had become a bit of a dinosaur. Right? There was a lot that it couldn't do that we wanted to offer you. So, moving forward, we are very pleased to be able to offer a completely new experience that we hope you enjoy. For those of you that have been registered users of GameSpot for a while, it will no doubt take a little time to adjust, but we're excited for the opportunity it presents.
When you post a comment, or reply to another user, you'll see the comment appear in line automagically and instantly. No more page refreshes or comment box refreshes to see what's going on. So what does the new system do that they old one couldn't? Well, for starters you'll see an instant response time; when you post a comment, or reply to another user, you'll see the comment appear in line automagically and instantly. No more page refreshes or comment box refreshes to see what's going on. The new system also offers threaded comments, so you'll be able to respond directly to other users' posts rather than simply referring back to an earlier comment in the hopes people would dig back to see what you were talking about. Instant notifications are new too, so you can see when someone has responded to one of your witty bon mots, and you'll also be able to "follow" conversations and receive notifications as they develop. For new users, we've also removed the level requirement for commenting, so as soon as you register you can start contributing to the conversation.
We are transferring all of your previous comments into the new system. As you poke around the site over the next few days you may see some places where the comments aren't completely up to date. While our team has been working hard to migrate all interactions into the new system - there is 16 years worth of data in there, and some of it may slip between the cracks. On posts that are lagging behind, you should see comments from the past eight days at the very minimum, and any remaining stuff will re-emerge over the next few days while our team of code ninjas clean things up.
Want to check it out? It's right there, at the bottom of the page. For more detail on the changes, check out this post by Jody, our community manager.