Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, the new entry in the series released this week on PC and consoles, is soon going to receive an Xbox One X update, and all the enhancements have been detailed today through an infographic.
The new image, which can be checked out below, confirms that Shadow of War will have to modes of play, favoring either resolution or quality. The image also confirms that the game will feature supersampling when played on a 1080p TV.
In his review, Kai noted how Shadow of War is definitely better than its predecessor, despite some setbacks.
Some missteps keep Talion’s adventure from being perfect, but overall these changes are a force for good and worthy of being praised as The Bright Lord’s greatest adventure yet. The changes to the Nemesis system that allow Talion to command his own army of orcish brutes and install his own overlords are a worthy evolution of a system that created something unique that no game before it had tried. Middle-earth: Shadow of War is a bright journey for Talion and Celebrimbor and worth playing if you want to go on a journey to immersive yourself in the land’s distinctive lore.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War is now out on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.