Two weeks ago, a Microsoft employee warned gamers to steer clear of any websites offering Halo 4 beta codes. That site was, and now Microsoft has unleashed its legal hounds, seeking to claim the website. If there is ever to be a Halo 4 beta site, Microsoft will own it.
As spotted by domain and trademark sleuthing site Fusible, Microsoft filed a complaint with the National Arbitration Forum on January 27 over, which is no longer operational. The specifics of the complaint are not available, but the grievance was filed under the forum's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.
The outline of this policy states Microsoft must show how the domain name ( is either identical or "confusingly similar" to a trademark or service that Microsoft has rights to, why the domain holder has "no rights or legitimate interests" in the name, and why the domain name is to be considered as "having been registered and used in bad faith."
An arbitration panel consisting of either one person or three will deliberate and reach a decision, which will be posted at a later date.
Halo 4 is due for release during holiday 2012. It is a direct sequel to 2007's well-received Halo 3 and will star series champion Master Chief. It is also the first title in a new series dubbed the Reclaimer Trilogy, effectively Halo 4, 5, and 6.