We've known that Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes would get exclusive content on Sony's consoles for a while now, and game director Hideo Kojima promised to unveil "shocking" content at the PS4 launch event in NYC. We finally learned what that content is: the ability to play as "classic Snake" in the PlayStation-exclusive "Deja Vu" Mission.
Ground Zeroes is the first part of Metal Gear Solid V, which will be continued in MGSV: The Phantom Pain. Kojima revealed earlier this week that, due to the game falling somewhere in the middle of the series' continuity, players may run into some plot inconsistencies.
Despite any potential changes to the plot, the biggest news around MGSV was replacing long-time voice actor David Hayter with new Snake voice actor Kiefer Sutherland. We talked with Kojima about whether the change in actors affected the role of the central character, and he said, "Before we made the call in having Kiefer help us work with this character for the main game, we knew the game would be lot about revenge; about getting payback. I didn't want Snake to talk too much; I wanted him to express his emotions through facial expressions. In that regard I think Kiefer has been a great help. As far as the voice goes, and not always talking but communicating through facial expressions, Kiefer has been a great help with that. He's been a perfect fit."
"In Ground Zeroes, sometimes you'll see the same Snake that everyone has been used to," Kojima said. "There'll be lots of feeling and emotions, but in the main part of the game he'll also be a very silent reserved character. You'll be seeing a different Snake than you're used to."
Ground Zeroes is set to launch in 2014 for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.
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Metal Gear Solid PS4 Mission - Deja Vu (Classic Mode)
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