One of the stranger correlations of sports and the real world has been between the Washington Redskins and the U.S. presidential election. If you haven't heard of this yet, it goes something like this: Since 1933, the outcome of the Washington Redskins game immediately preceding a presidential election has accurately predicted the winner. If the Redskins win, so this remarkable trend goes, the incumbent party wins. If the Skins lose, as was the case this past weekend against the Green Bay Packers, the current White House resident is booted out the door.
Just for election-eve kicks, I decided to carry on the trend in my own living room, simulating one Packers/Skins match-up on both ESPN NFL 2K5 and Madden NFL 2005. The results:
Madden: Green Bay 10, Washington 3
ESPN: Green Bay 21, Washington 10
Based on this obviously unscientific result, it appears we may have a new resident moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.