Gaming News
Major Game Release Dates Of 2019: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
Major Game Release Dates Of 2019: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC-March 2024
Mar 19, 2025 5:53 AM

  We're near the end of 2019's fall release season, but there's still several games scheduled to round out the year. Despite the looming next-generation consoles like Sony's PS5 and Microsoft's Project Scarlett, you won't have to worry about any shortage of exciting new games to look forward to and play.

  This year has already been an exciting time to play games. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Resident Evil 2 Remake started the year off well, but there's far more on the horizon. And the most recent Death Stranding and Disco Elysium make up some of the best this year, too. To help you keep track of all the games coming out, we've compiled a list of all the noteworthy release dates for the biggest ones confirmed to come out in 2019 so far.

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  Now Playing: Top New Games Out On PS4, Xbox One, Switch, And PC This Month -- July 2019

  More release dates are likely to be confirmed as the year goes on, so be sure to check back often as we update this article with new additions or potential changes. Though, if you're curious about next year, then check out our feature compiling the biggest release dates of 2020. Which games are you looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below.

  Table of Contents [hide]JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember



GamePlatformRelease Date
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey3DSJanuary 11
New Super Mario Bros U DeluxeSwitchJanuary 11
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive EditionPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchJanuary 11
Onimusha: WarlordsPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchJanuary 15
The Walking Dead: The Final Season Episode 3PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchJanuary 15
YIIK: A Postmodern RPGPS4, PC, SwitchJanuary 18
Ace Combat 7: Skies UnknownPS4, Xbox OneJanuary 18
Travis Strikes Again: No More HeroesSwitchJanuary 18
Life is Strange 2: Episode 2PS4, Xbox One, PCJanuary 24
Resident Evil 2 RemakePS4, Xbox One, PCJanuary 25
Kingdom Hearts IIIPS4, Xbox OneJanuary 29


GamePlatformRelease Date
Ace Combat 7: Skies UnknownPCFebruary 1
WargrooveSwitchFebruary 1
Apex LegendsPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 4
Etrian Odyssey: Nexus3DSFebruary 5
The Occupation PS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 5
God Eater 3PS4, PCFebruary 8
The Liar Princess and the Blind PrincePS4, SwitchFebruary 12
Final Fantasy IXXbox One, SwitchFebruary 13
Crackdown 3Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Far Cry: New DawnPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Jump ForcePS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Metro ExodusPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Yakuza Kiwami PCFebruary 19
AnthemPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 22
Dirt Rally 2.0PS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 26
The Lego Movie 2PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchFebruary 26
Trials RisingPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchFebruary 26
Deltarune: Chapter 1SwitchFebruary 28


GamePlatformRelease Date
Dead or Alive 6PS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 1
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the GroovePS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchMarch 1
Left AlivePS4, PCMarch 5
Devil May Cry 5PS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 8
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn3DSMarch 8
The Caligula Effect: OverdosePS4, Switch, PCMarch 12
Tom Clancy's The Division 2PS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 15
One Piece: World SeekerPS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 16
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Every BuddyPS4, SwitchMarch 20
The Sinking CityPS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 21
Sekiro: Shadows Die TwicePS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 22
Final Fantasy VIIXbox One, SwitchMarch 26
Assassin's Creed III RemasteredPS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 29
Danganronpa TrilogyPS4March 29
Tropico 6PS4, Xbox One, PCMarch 29
Yoshi's Crafted WorldSwitchMarch 29


GamePlatformRelease Date
Bomber Crew: Complete EditionPS4, SwitchApril 2
Darksiders: Warmastered EditionSwitchApril 2
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World MissionPC, SwitchApril 5
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney TrilogyPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchApril 9
Dangerous DrivingPS4, Xbox OneApril 9
Neo Atlas 1469SwitchApril 9
Zanki Zero: Last BeginningPS4, PCApril 9
Earth Defense Force: Iron RainPS4April 11
Hellblade: Senua's SacrificeSwitchApril 11
Konami Anniversary Collection: Arcade ClassicsSwitchApril 18
Anno 1800PCApril 16
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterXbox One, SwitchApril 16
World War ZPS4, Xbox One, PCApril 16
CupheadSwitchApril 18
Katana ZeroSwitchApril 18
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen SwitchApril 23
Mortal Kombat 11PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchApril 23
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of the GilgamechSwitchApril 25
Boxboy + BoxgirlSwitchApril 26
Days GonePS4April 26
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac AgeXbox One, SwitchApril 30


GamePlatformRelease Date
The Legend of Heroes: Trials of Cold Steel IIPS4May 7
Life is Strange 2: Episode 3PS4, Xbox One, PCMay 9
Yakuza Kiwami 2PCMay 9
A Plague Tale: InnocencePS4, Xbox One, PCMay 14
Rage 2PS4, Xbox One, PCMay 14
Bubsy: Paws on Fire!PS4, Switch, PCMay 19
Assassin's Creed III RemasteredSwitchMay 21
Everybody's Golf VRPSVRMay 21
Resident Evil 0SwitchMay 21
Resident EvilSwitchMay 21
Resident Evil 4SwitchMay 21
Team Sonic RacingPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchMay 21
Total War: Three KingdomsPCMay 23
Trover Saves The UniversePSVRMay 31


GamePlatformRelease Date
The Elder Scrolls Online: ElsweyrPS4, Xbox One, PCJune 4
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IIPS4June 4
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth3DSJune 4
Trover Saves The UniversePCJune 4
Octopath TravelerPCJune 7
Cadence of HyruleSwitchJune 13
Blaster Master ZeroPCJune 14
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightPS4, Xbox One, PCJune 18
Crash Team Racing Nitro FueledPS4, Xbox One, SwitchJune 21
Heavy RainPCJune 24
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightSwitchJune 25
JudgmentPS4June 25
Samurai Shodown (2019)PS4, Xbox OneJune 25
The Sinking CityPS4, Xbox One, PCJune 27
F1 2019PS4, Xbox One, PCJune 28
Super Mario Maker 2SwitchJune 28


GamePlatformRelease Date
Apex Legends Season 2PS4, Xbox One, PCJuly 2
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadow BringersPS4, PCJuly 2
Stranger Things 3: The GamePS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchJuly 4
Sea of SolitudePS4, Xbox One, PCJuly 5
Senran Kagura: Peach BallSwitchJuly 9
Umihara Kawase Fresh!SwitchJuly 9
Dr. Mario World iOS, AndroidJuly 10
Blazing ChromePS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchJuly 11
Dragon Quest Builders 2SwitchJuly 12
God Eater 3SwitchJuly 12
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black OrderSwitchJuly 19
Beyond: Two SoulsPCJuly 22
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the WarriorsPS4, SwitchJuly 25
Raiden V: Director's CutSwitchJuly 25
DoomSwitchJuly 26
Doom IISwitchJuly 26
Doom IIISwitchJuly 26
Fire Emblem: Three HousesSwitchJuly 26
Kill la Kill: IfPS4, PC, SwitchJuly 26
Wolfenstein: YoungbloodPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchJuly 26
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden: Deluxe EditionSwitchJuly 30


GamePlatformRelease Date
Madden NFL 20PS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 2
The Church in the DarknessPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchAugust 2
Age of Wonders: PlanetfallPCAugust 6
Metal Wolf Chaos XDPS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 6
Pillars of EternitySwitchAugust 8
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete EditionSwitchAugust 9
Friday the 13th: The GameSwitchAugust 13
Rebel Galaxy OutlawPCAugust 13
No Man's Sky Beyond (Expansion)PS4, Xbox One, PCAugusts 14
Grandia HD CollectionSwitchAugust 16
EricaPS4August 19
Hotline Miami CollectionSwitchAugust 19
SuperhotSwitchAugust 19
RadPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchAugust 20
Remnant: From the AshesPS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 20
Yakuza 3PS4August 20
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link EvolutionSwitchAugust 20
Life is Strange 2: Episode 4PS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 22
OninakiPS4, PC, SwitchAugust 22
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyPCAugust 27
The Bard’s Tale IV: Director's CutPS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 27
CrystarPS4, PCAugust 27
ControlPS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 27
World of Warcraft: ClassicPCAugust 27
Azur Lane: CrosswavePS4August 29
Pokémon MastersiOS, AndroidAugust 29
Astral ChainSwitchAugust 30
Blair WitchXbox One, PCAugust 30
The Dark Pictures: Man of MedanPS4, Xbox One, PCAugust 30
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the WarriorsPS4, SwitchAugust 30


GamePlatformRelease Date
Catherine: Full BodyPS4September 3
Phoenix Point PCSeptember 3
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchSeptember 3
Spyro Reignited TrilogyPC, SwitchSeptember 3
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Expansion)PS4, Xbox OneSeptember 6
NBA 2K20PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchSepteber 8
eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020PS4, Xbox One, PCSeptember 10
Gears 5Xbox One, PCSeptember 10
GreedfallPS4, Xbox One, PCSeptember 10
Borderlands 3 PS4, Xbox One, PCSeptember 13
Daemon X MachinaSwitchSeptember 13
NHL 20PS4, Xbox OneSeptember 13
AI: The Somnium FilesPS4, PC, SwitchSeptember 17
Lego Jurassic World SwitchSeptember 17
The Legend of Zelda: Link's AwakeningSwitchSeptember 20
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Remaster)PS4, PC, SwitchSeptember 20
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced EditionPS4, Xbox One, SwitchSeptember 24
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced EditionPS4, Xbox One, SwitchSeptember 24
Contra: Rogue CorpsPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchSeptember 24
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition PS4, Xbox One, SwitchSeptember 24
The Surge 2PS4, Xbox One, SwitchSeptember 24
Darksiders II: Deathinitive EditionSwitchSeptember 26
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iXSwitchSeptember 26
Code VeinPS4, Xbox One, PCSeptember 27
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive EditionSwitchSeptember 27
FIFA 20PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchSeptember 27
Ori and the Blind ForestSwitchSeptember 27
Tropico 6PS4, Xbox OneSeptember 27


GamePlatformRelease Date
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep (Expansion)PS4, Xbox One, PCOctober 1
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon BreakpointPS4, Xbox One, PCOctober 4
The Alliance Alive HD RemasteredPS4, SwitchOctober 8
Concrete GeniePS4October 8
IndivisiblePS4, Xbox One, PCOctober 8
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrincePS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchOctober 8
GridPS4, Xbox One, PCOctober 8
Doraemon: Nobita's Story of SeasonsSwitchOctober 11
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete EditionSwitchOctober 15
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete EditionSwitch, PCOctober 18
Call of Duty: Modern WarfarePS4, Xbox One, PCOctober 25
MediEvilPS4October 25
The Outer WorldsPS4, Xbox One, PCOctober 25
Resident Evil 5SwitchOctober 29
Resident Evil 6SwitchOctober 29
Yakuza 4 PS4October 29
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret HideoutPS4, Switch, PCOctober 31
Luigi's Mansion 3SwitchOctober 31


GamePlatformRelease Date
Ace Combat 7: Skies UnknownPCFebruary 1
WargrooveSwitchFebruary 1
Apex LegendsPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 4
Etrian Odyssey: Nexus3DSFebruary 5
The Occupation PS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 5
God Eater 3PS4, PCFebruary 8
The Liar Princess and the Blind PrincePS4, SwitchFebruary 12
Final Fantasy IXXbox One, SwitchFebruary 13
Crackdown 3Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Far Cry: New DawnPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Jump ForcePS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Metro ExodusPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Yakuza Kiwami PCFebruary 19
AnthemPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 22
Dirt Rally 2.0PS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 26
The Lego Movie 2PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchFebruary 26
Trials RisingPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchFebruary 26
Deltarune: Chapter 1SwitchFebruary 28


GamePlatformRelease Date
Ace Combat 7: Skies UnknownPCFebruary 1
WargrooveSwitchFebruary 1
Apex LegendsPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 4
Etrian Odyssey: Nexus3DSFebruary 5
The Occupation PS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 5
God Eater 3PS4, PCFebruary 8
The Liar Princess and the Blind PrincePS4, SwitchFebruary 12
Final Fantasy IXXbox One, SwitchFebruary 13
Crackdown 3Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Far Cry: New DawnPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Jump ForcePS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Metro ExodusPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 15
Yakuza Kiwami PCFebruary 19
AnthemPS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 22
Dirt Rally 2.0PS4, Xbox One, PCFebruary 26
The Lego Movie 2PS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchFebruary 26
Trials RisingPS4, Xbox One, PC, SwitchFebruary 26
Deltarune: Chapter 1SwitchFebruary 28

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