You pretty much can't trust anyone or anything on April Fool's Day, and that was the case when Maisie Williams appeared on Jimmy Fallon's late night show this week to discuss the final season of Game of Thrones. In a staged sequence, Fallon asks Williams, who plays Arya Stark on the hit HBO show, to give just a crumble of information about the final season.
Williams begins with the prepared answer you'd expect; emotional final days on set, sad to say goodbye to the cast, etc. But then she spills the beans, revealing that her character, Arya Stark, dies in the second episode. She looks genuinely shocked and dismayed about letting that slip. She tries to go on with the interview, but her grief is too great and she walks off stage. Fallon, too, does a bit of acting and appears dismayed and goes off to find Williams.
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Then they both appear from behind the curtain and shout, "April Fools!" with big grins on their faces. We should have always seen this coming; it was April Fool's Day.
It's a fun sequence to watch play out, though, and Williams is a true acting talent with the way she sold her grief and dismay over revealing the Game of Thrones "spoiler." In the end, we all got trolled, and--for better or worse--that's what April Fool's Day is all about.
The eighth and final season of Game of Thrones premieres April 14 on HBO, so there isn't much more time to wait until we all find out who lives and dies, and how the story wraps up.