Magna Carta: Tears of Blood is the latest role-playing game to make the move to our Western shores. The game, which is being brought over to the US by the good captains of the jolly ship Atlus, is set in the lands of a world called Efferia. The land is populated by a number of different peoples, some of whom don't like the others very much. The world of Magna Carta is a contentious place of war, and battle is raging between humanity and the native Efferians. One young man sets out to seek revenge against the natives who attacked his homeland. However, he ends up meeting a mysterious young lady who's lost all her memories.
The game was developed by Softmax, a Korean company, and the character design was handled by popular artist Hyung Tae Kim, thus lending the artwork a unique but not-quite-anime flavor to it. The battle system in Magna Carta will be real time, and it will revolve around a mechanic called the Carta system.
Being the lovers of niche RPGs that we are, we'll bring you more information on Atlus' Magna Carta as we receive it. For the latest news and coverage, just keep your eyes fastened on this lovely gamespace.