Lost Ark's Battle For the Throne of Chaos update arrives today, and it's the biggest update to Smilegate RPG and Amazon's free-to-play MMORPG yet, adding a new class, a battle pass, a new continent, numerous quality-of-life updates, and more.
As detailed in the official patch notes, the new martial artist advanced class, the Glaivier, is the highlight. It's the first new class added to the Western version of Lost Ark since release. Wielding both a spear and a glaive, the Glaivier can swap between the two weapons with the press of a button, and each weapon has its own unique abilities and strengths. The glaive excels at clearing out huge groups of enemies, while the spear is ideal for poking down bosses.
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Now Playing: Lost Ark: Battle for the Throne of Chaos | April Update
Of course, the Glaivier isn't the only new addition coming to Lost Ark as part of the Battle for the Throne of Chaos update. The new patch will also see the addition of the South Vern continent, where a demon army is amassing at the titular Throne of Chaos, which serves as a link between the demon realm of Petrania and Arkesia. It will be up to players to journey through the new zone, gather allies, and put an end to the demon's schemes, in the process participating in what looks to be Lost Ark's biggest and most cinematic large-scale battle to date. Players will need an item level of 1340 and have completed the Punika continent to journey to South Vern.
Along the way players will be able to level up their Ark Pass, a new addition to the MMO that effectively serves as an account-wide battle pass that grants players additional rewards for doing various in-game missions, whether it be participating in Guardian Raids, completing Una's Tasks, or simply playing a tune on their instrument. There is a free tier that will grant various crafting items, currencies, and upgrade materials, as well as two additional paid tiers that players can purchase with a premium currency to earn more rewards, including weapon and armor skins.
For players who've completed the Feiton main story questline or do so before June 30, Smilegate RPG will be awarding players a new Feiton Powerpass, which can be used to boost a new character, including the Glaivier, to level 50 with 960 item level gear. There will also be an ongoing Express Mission event until the same date, which players under item level 1,000 can use to score some additional gear upgrade materials.
Other, smaller additions include a number of quality-of-life changes, including an improved Book of Coordination, improved co-op play for Secret Maps, and a new 25-day track of daily log in rewards. You can find the full patch notes below.
Smilegate RPG and Amazon will be adding more new content, including the Destroyer class, in May. Lost Ark continues to be one of the most played games on Steam, having broken 1.3 million concurrent players shortly after the game's launch.
In addition to the storyline, South Vern will include the normal difficulty of the new Chaos Line activity. The South Vern Chaos Dungeons, Field Boss, and Chaos Gate will be added in a future update, when more players have reached the minimum item level required to participate (1415). We apologize for an earlier communication stating that Thunderwings and the Chaos Gate would be available.
For newer players, we hope this helps them catch up to friends while still learning Tier 1 & 2 and the game modes within them. For players already in Tier 3, this event can be used to quickly level up a new alternate character (maybe a new Glaivier?). Completing all the missions will grant a very impactful reward - so make sure to take advantage of this event while it’s around! Like the Feiton Powerpass, the Express Mission Event will be around until June 30.
The Premium Ark Pass will add additional rewards at every level that players will earn alongside the free rewards. Some examples include more honing material selection chests, gems, rapport chests, and a Vertus Pet! On top of the Regular & Premium rewards, the Super Premium Ark Pass layers in selection chests for the Noble Banquet skin collection, the Noble Banquet Wallpaper, and some legendary rapport chests throughout the 30 levels of the Ark Pass.
The Premium pass can be acquired in exchange for 1,500 Royal Crystals, and the Super Premium (all rewards + Noble Banquet skins) for 3,000 Royal Crystals. The Premium and Super Premium Ark Passes will be available in the in-game store until June 18, and progress can be earned until July 14.
A few other minor store updates will take place in the April Update. Some item quantities have been adjusted in Mari’s Secret Shop, and a few new Crystal bundles are available in the in-game store.
Improved co-op party play for Secret Maps. Now all four members can submit a map to get rewards with one run. No more worrying about someone dropping from your group after you used your map!
Chat tab changes will now be shared across your roster.
Modified voice chat volume settings to stay within a medium range of volume outputs.
Updated the server selection screen background.
Increased available character slots from 12 to 18.
Fixed an issue where skill tree info is not shown when viewing PvP skill info from Book Of Coordination while in a Custom Lobby.
Improved Book of Coordination settings. Players can now set up skill presets, tripod levels, skill runes, gems, item set effects, etc.
Updated text to better detail certain Welcome Challenges.
Adjusted rewards drop location for Naruna Hot Springs.
Added additional controller settings allowing users to tweak the pointer speed and thumbstick deadzone.
Added a new button in Custom PvP Lobbies allowing users to view all players’ active Book of Coordination presets.
Added an option to clear all text within the active chat tab when right-clicking.
Added a new setting allowing players to disable the virtual keyboard while using a controller.
Fixed an issue that prevented push-to-talk voice while the ‘Game Menu’ or the ‘Settings Menu’ were open.
Fixed an issue that caused enemies to spawn too close to certain NPCs, making it difficult to interact with them.
Fixed an issue that directed players to the wrong area in the “A Nose For News” quests.
Fixed an issue that prevented text from appearing in the text-to-speech chat tab.
Fixed an issue that caused an "Unknown Error" message to appear while traversing the Foul Hollow dungeon.
Fixed an issue that caused the untradeable version of the Destruction Punisher Skin Set to only apply to 1 slot.
Fixed an issue where the “Armen Stopping the Threat” cutscene was not available in the Memory Chamber.
Fixed an issue that caused the event timer shown on the map to be offset based on the player’s time zone.
Fixed an issue that prevented VO in several cinematics from being heard while playing as a female class.
Fixed an issue that caused an “Unknown Error" to be displayed when attempting to equip a compass that couldn’t be equipped.
Fixed an issue that prevented the “Immersed in Death” quest from being completed when reconnecting after equipping the necromancer disguise.
Fixed an issue that caused VO lines during Abyss Dungeons to be inaudible.
Fixed an issue that caused some text in the Book of Coordination to not display in the correct language in French, German, or Spanish.
Fixed an issue where another character’s VO was played while Armen was speaking during the “Belated Help” quest.
Fixed an issue causing debug text to be shown when opening more than one engraving selection chest at a time.
Fixed an issue that prevented ‘Trusted’ players from initiating a trade with a new or non-trusted account.
Fixed an issue that caused the total and online member count within the ‘Guild Menu’ to not display while using a non-English language.
Fixed an issue with controllers that caused some buttons to become unresponsive after skipping cutscenes.
Fixed an issue that caused certain tool-tips to be missing from the controller ‘Settings Menu’.
Fixed an issue that prevented the context menu from being opened with a controller in the ‘Friends Menu’.