On 10/13 at 7:00 pm (PDT) watch as Azubu Frost and Taipei Assassins battle it out in the League of Legends World Championship Grand Finals. Azubu Frost despite some controversy have battled their way to the Grand Finals, and Taipei Assassins have surprised many by defeating the heavy weight Moscow Five. We caught up with both teams to gauge their reactions of making it to the grand finals and what they think their chances are of winning it. Who will you be rooting for? Stay tuned all weekend long to the live stream to see who takes home the crown for the 2nd Season of the League of Legends World Championships. See below for interviews from the playoffs, and more information.
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RapidStar Interview
Snoopeh Interview
Scarra's thoughts
Azubu Frost
Doublelift CLGNA
Toyz from TPA
Alex Ich M5
For more information regarding the event please check out League of Legends.