League of Legends developer Riot has detailed its intended changes to League of Legends in its upcoming 3.10 patch.
The patch includes balance changes to Ashe, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Karthus, Malzahar, Nami, Poppy, Ryze, Thresh, Udyr, Vayne, Warwick, and Zac, and features major changes to Elise, Twisted Fate, and Master Yi.
The patch also makes changes to magic resistance items, including the removal of Runic Bulwark and the addition of a new item, Spectre's Cowl.
Riot has also continued its changes to the jungle in Summoner's Rift, with all camps outside of the buff camps spawning much later in the game--the wraiths, wolves, and golems now spawn at 2:05 as opposed to 1:55.
Explaining the jungle changes, Riot says, "Our first jungle modifications in 3.8 were not quite enough to enact the changes we wanted, so we're pushing spawn timers even further to finish the job while fixing some other unintended side effects."
"Junglers could completely cripple their enemy team counterparts--especially early on--without fully committing to confrontation by smiting the buff and escaping, or killing their opponent with the immediate level advantage. We like the importance of aggressive early game invades, but want to make sure there's an appropriate amount of risk involved."
The full patch notes for League of Legends patch 3.10 can be read on Riot's site.
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